Healthy Living

Weight Loss

In order to acheive weight loss you must put yourself in a caloric defecit. A caloric defecit is when you consume less calories that your Basal Metabolic Rate.


Sometimes it is a good idea to have some examples of beginning exercises to build a good foundation. You should still try to keep weight training in your workouts because when you lose weight, not all of it will just be fat. Muscle loss is a part of the process and if you continue to stimulate the muscles while losing weight less muscle loss will occur.

  • Running
  • High Intensity Interval Training
  • High Step Count Throughout the day
  • Higher Amount of Repetitions
  • Stair Master
  • Any Form of Cardio

What is a Calorie?

A calorie is a unit of energy that we use to measure the food we eat. We can find our BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) by going to any BMR calculator online. From there you can see around how many calories you burn in a day. For men the average is around 2,000 and for the women average is about 1,400. It is very important when you are on a diet or any form of shaping your body, is to track the food you eat.

How to Put Yourself in a Calorie Defecit

In order to put yourself into a proper caloric defecit you should take your BMR and subract around 300-500 calories. This will cause your body to need to pull from another energy source which will be stored fat cells. This 300-500 range is small enough to not notice a giant difference in how you feel during the day but over time will melt the fat off the right way. Too many calories taken off of your BMR will put your body into panic mode and will use all stored energy.