Bloomington 2nd

How To Share The Light Of Jesus Christ

three men on houseback at night in a field with the light of the moon shinning on them.

Growing up, I thought meaningful service had to be something extravagant, something you could visibly see, hold, or eat. And during the Christmas season, a time when service seems to be given more, it is easy to get lost in the things that are more tangible, like large gifts or big activities. When the Church launched the Light the World campaign, I downloaded the daily service calendar and was surprised to find that each day was filled with service ideas that were so simple and easy. And participants were encouraged to do each service activity in their own way. As I went through the calendar, I discovered that meaningful service didn’t have to be grandiose. It could be anything from sharing a scripture to listening to a friend to being patient to even helping with dishes. And this realization reminded me of a few experiences I’d had with simple acts of service in my life.

The Book of Mormon is a book of inspired scripture that teaches us about God and Jesus Christ. It helps us receive direction for our personal lives and can help us feel closer to Jesus Christ.

Focus on Truths over Opinions

When someone we love is attending the temple for the first time, we naturally want to share our own experiences with him or her. But we need to make sure what we’re sharing is focused on gospel truths rather than our own opinions. Correct information allows our loved ones to focus on the Savior and not be swayed into feeling a certain way about their temple experiences. President Russell M. Nelson said, “Good inspiration is based upon good information.”1 You can share correct information (and even pictures!) about the temple from the temple preparation course, the scriptures, and Sometimes we might get nervous about what to share, but by turning to resources rather than our opinions, we don’t have to worry about oversharing. By giving correct information about the temple, we offer a more enlightened view about the temple. Opinions are often focused on feelings and experiences we’ve had, while gospel information is focused on allowing your loved one to have their own experience in the temple.