Exist in the thoughts of Crist

Meet me at midnight, in the forest of my dreams. We'll make fire and count the stars that shimmer above the trees.
She was a shooting star, her smile so bright and rare, that by the time that you had blinked, there was no sign it had been there.
Smiling is infectious, you catch it like the flu. When someone smiled at me today, I started smiling too. I walked around the corner, and someone saw me grin. When he smiled I realised, I had passed it on to him. I thought avout the smile, and then realised its worth. A single smile like mine could travel round the earth. So if you feel a smile begin, don't leave it undetected. Start an epidemic, and get the world infected.
For the highs and lows and moments between, mountains and vallets, and rivers and streams, for where you are now and where you will go, for "i've always known," and "i told you so," for "nothing is happening," and "all has gone wrong," it is here in this journey you will learn to be strong, you will get where you're going , landing where you belong.
Maybe each life is just an echo of the ones that came before, bouncing off the things they learnt to land on something more. Maybe it's never ending and our sound just travels on, with distance it gets quiet but its never gone. Maybe we'll find peace in our silence when our time come to be still, and know our voice can't last forever but the truth it carries will.