
Planting from Seeds

First, you need to choose the vegetables you want to grow. We recommend seeds from Botanical Interests . Not every seed can be started the same way. Most are very similar to each other. Where others are not. All of the information is on the back of your seed package. Then you will need a good medium to plant in. Any soil can work as long as it does not have large pieces of sticks or clumps of soil. As these weight down the seeds and slow growth. We enjoy using All Purpose Garden Soil by Miracle Grow. It works very well for starting seeds indoors and outdoors. And it makes for a great medium when transplanting. Last but not least, you will need something to start in. Your local greenhouse or nursey will have starter cells. They are made of plastic or sometimes dense paper.

Sowing your Seeds

You have your seeds and a growing medium. Now it is time to sow the seeds. Lay out your cells and fill them with medium. Do not compact the medium! Then gently press your finger into the top of the soil about a half inch. Drop 1 or 2 seeds per cell. Lighly cover the cells with soil, enough to cover the seeds. Gently press down on each cell. Be careful not to compact the medium to much. Then lightly water every other day. If you purchase cells that come with a cover. You may only need to water them once a week. The cover will keep moisture in.


Here are some of our favorite vegetables to grow from seeds and when to start them.

Vegetable When to Sow Inside When to Sow Outside
Spinach Not recommended* 4 to 6 weeks before avg last frost
Arugula Not recommended* 4 to 6 weeks before avg last frost
Cucumber 2 to 4 weeks before avg last frost 1 to 2 weeks after avg last frost
Cherry Tomatoes, Rainbow Blend 4 to 6 weeks before transplanting** 1 to 2 weeks before avg last frost
Onion, Red 10 to 12 weeks before avg last frost, Recommended 4 to 6 weeks before avg last frost
* Leafy greens grow and produce better outside.
** Transplant 1 to 2 weeks after avg last frost, 45℉ or warmer.