
                           On Copious Socratic Surprises
/ Re: Can Philosophy be of Any Value to Big Business? [#4] /
/ NGZ: alt.philosophy, alt.religion.apologetics / 26Sept02 /
> On 23Sept Sterling Motors ([email protected]) say:
> Most Big Business tycoon's would not have the patience
> or time with any of this so the answer is no. -- Sterling
 textman replies: Hi Sterling. Your answer reminds me of a
very similar attitude (ie. the so-called "worldly" attitude):
Jesus: My kingdom belongs not to this world. If My kingdom were
of this world, My followers would have been fighting to keep Me
from being handed over to the Jews. But as it is, My kingdom is
not from here (this world); [it has no such origin or source].
Pilate: Then You are a King?
Jesus: You say it! [You speak correctly!] For I am a King. This
is why I was born, and for this I have come into the world: to
bear witness to the Truth. Everyone who is of the Truth [who
is a friend of the Truth, who belongs to the Truth] hears and
listens to My voice.
Pilate: What is Truth? [On saying this he went out to the
Jews again and told them] I find no fault in Him.
John 18:36-38 / Amplified Bible (mangled by the offensive one)
 Thus we see that businessmen (and Romans) are very like
philosophers in at least one sterling quality; and that is
that the pessimists outnumber the optimists by nine to one!
 Talk about fighting an uphill battle. Oy!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>> textman previously wrote: <snip> There is a great danger
>> facing anyone who is about to embark upon any study of
>> philosophy (at whatever level of depth), and this danger
>> is that nine out of every ten philosophers are pessimists!
> On 23Sept Mike Dubbeld ([email protected]) replied: 'They' have
> good 'reason'. The mind is insanity in its natural state.
> Logic and reason can be used to show anything. Including all
> else being not real. As the measure of all things - I can do
> no wrong. And if I can do no wrong - you can do no wrong.
> And if you can do no wrong - the rest of the world can do no>
> wrong. Therefore it is proper to conclude the world is mad.
> There is no order in the universe. 'Do it to them before they
> do it to you.' 'The law of the jungle.' 'Live for today.'
> 'When you are dead you are dead.' 'Always be moral - when
> people are watching.' I call it 'Existential Despair'.
 textman sayeth: I call it madness and irrationality to the nth
degree. Therefore it is only natural to conclude that it is not
the entire world that is mad (although it surely is a strange
mixture of chaos and order, light and dark, love and hate,
etc); only that part of it named Mike Dubbeld (along with
all those of a like mindset, of course).
>> And it may well be *this* fact of ubiquitous pessimism that
>> turns people off the most, and forces them to give up on
>> philosophy entirely.
> I think they should. It is as likely or more so that
> looking at Western philosophy will increase a persons
> confusion as not.
 A little confusion at first is only to be expected, and is
not in itself harmful. It is the lack of discipline involved
in not working through the confusion that is harmful.
> Intellectual understanding is actually very shallow. A man
> can preach as a university professor the subject of Vedanta
> for 30 years and proclaim - 'I am not afraid of death. I
> know what death is. When we die we reincarnate. I have no
> fear of death.' But when death comes knocking this man will
> be afraid. Intellectual understanding of things is NOT good
> enough.
 With this I agree 100%!
> The people on this NG not knowing any better think them-
> selves to be their minds as they know no other. Indeed,
> they worship their minds. From knowledge comes power.
 My father used to tell me constantly (when I was very young)
that 'knowledge is power', and over the years I have come to
appreciate that knowledge is indeed powerful; but it is not
the essence of power, not by a long shot. Now I have a new
slogan: Love is Power!
 Can I give you one example of what I mean? ... 4X: If a
student does not love philosophy (or learn to love it; the
hard way!), then that student can only gain an intellectual
knowledge ABOUT philosophy; which is (at best) a kind of half-
knowledge. Being half a philosopher (even though some paper
say otherwise) is not the same as being a philosopher. It's
more like not being a philosopher at all. For you see, you can
have philosophy in your head (somewhat), but if you don't also
have it in your heart, then you may as well give it up. This
is why the ancient Greeks named it Love-of-Wisdom in the
first place!
 Welcome to Philosophy 101 - Prelude to the Introduction
 LOL ... :D
> The ego seeks power over the world to control it and gain
> security. This is its natural function and springs from
> survival mechanisms in the body. Understood properly it is
> neither good nor bad. But it is NOT understood properly as
> people think they ARE their minds. Pathetic.
 Was it Emerson who said that a man's life consists of what
he thinks about all day? There's a lot of truth in this
observation. A vulgar man leads a vulgar life because he thinks
vulgar thoughts all the day long. And then at two in the
morning he wakes up screaming and wonders why life is so
meaningless! Therefore I'll agree that we are our own worst
enemies, but this is chiefly because most people go through
life in what I can only describe as a semi-conscious state of
existence. Moreover, the purpose of our minds is certainly not
to pander to the instinctive drives and impulses of our bodies.
Such a proposal strikes me as ludicrous in the extreme.
>> That is most unfortunate indeed, because there is nothing
>> inherent in the nature of philosophy to predispose anyone to
>> pessimistic conclusions and world-views. Pessimism is some-
>> thing that the philosopher (and the student, of course)
>> brings with him as he first sets foot upon philosophical
>> shores. Sartre's philosophy cannot be considered an
>> objective and dispassionate account of human being and human
>> realities (for it is actually the manifestation of his inner
>> attitudes), but 'Being and Nothingness' does everything
>> humanly possible to make us believe that this is so. There-
>> fore the first word out of any philosophy-teacher's mouth
>> must always be 'BEWARE! Here be Dragons!"
> Believe me I do not need a pep talk. My hubris is to the
> extent that I am attempting to discover exactly what is
> WRONG with ALL of Western philosophy.
 :) ... Good luck with that! Such a project seems deliberately
designed to reach pessimistic conclusions and nihilistic
discoveries. Sortta like setting out to prove that people
are bad-tempered by nature by walking the streets and poking
people at random with a pointed stick.
> That was my intent from the get go. Not only am I not
> impressed with ANY of it - it is actually pretty boring for
> the most part and is testament to how easily Westerners are
> impressed. To give you some rough idea to the extent of my
> conceit for Western philosophy as a whole I nearly have a
> completely airtight case against the ENTIRE field of science
> in general as nothing more than another dogma no more valid
> than Christianity. Think that is brave?
 No. Foolhardy, maybe. The presence of my computer (a direct
product of "science in general") upon my desk here absolutely
refuses to be reduced to the rank of mere dogma.
> I got lots more. Still deciding how I am going to launch
> this. There are penalties for doing this too soon. The
> level(s) in which I dismantle this house of cards on a
> hippopotamus's back is at stake. But so what? I doubt more
> than a handful would know what it meant anyway.
 Sometimes ignorance IS bliss!
> It is quite appropriate by reading things said in this NG
> that 'anything could be the cause of anything.' 'If anything
> could be known - we couldn't know it. And if we did know it
> we could not convey it.' You might as well believe in the
> tooth fairy cause the JUNK that is dispersed in this NG for
> the most part is totally useless. Time to go trash another
> AI fan. -- Mike Dubbeld
 Gee, your kindda like Wittgenstein in overdrive (after being
brainwashed by Satan). But seriously, Mike, there's nothing
wrong with you that the love of a good woman couldn't cure.
     - the almost supremely amused one - texttman ;>
P.S. Our thinking and reasoning can move in several
     directions at the same time, but the world is one.
Even More Can Philosophy be of Any Value to BB?

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