
/ Re: Can Philosophy Be Of Any Value To Big Business? [#5] /
/ Forum: TheologyOnline > Philosophy ~ Religion / 17oct02 /
>> tx: P.S. the Canadian Football League; time well wasted
> On 16oct Axacta wrote: Go Esks!
textman replies: Yeah right. That's what I say: 'Go Esks!'
Only this year I've got a real bad feeling about this.
So unless we get really lucky and get hit with a blizzard
or something on game-day such that the easterners freeze
their alouettes off, it might just be three times lucky for
Montreal. Trash me once, okay. Smash me twice, my fault.
Crush me three times ... ?!?!? ... Nooooooooooooo :(
 eye em soo embarassed!
     - one who feels the nightmare coming - ttextman ;>
the supreme leader of the world-state
     On Being Above the Law
/ Re: Can Philosophy Be Of Any Value To Big Business? [#6] /
/ Newsgroups: alt.philosophy, alt.religion.apologetics /
/ Forum: TheologyOnline > Philosophy ~ Religion / 18oct02 /
> On 16oct mindlight wrote: The value of a philosopher or a
> theologian to a big business is one of perspective. In one
> sense he is less likely to be bound by shallow mission state-
> ments and trite marketing cliches and more inclined to
> reflect upon and challenge the value of words and actions
> that he witnesses. On occasions he may help to clarify ideas.
> But in the end how many corporate executives can actually
> handle an honest man who will question the very nature
> of their business and its value not only for those who
> participate in it but to the wider community and ultimately
> to God also. One would hope a true philosopher would not sell
> his soul for a good job and a nice pay check and just tow the
> company line. A true philosopher might well keep a business
> anchored in reality in a way that the late Clinton era
> Businesses were not.
 textman replies: Let us suppose that there is a strange and
nebulous entity at large on Earth. Let us further suppose that
this entity is like unto a world-state. If this world-state has
a name, I do not know what it is. But the interesting thing is
that this world-state is built around the scaffolding of the
world-economy, and involves many and various institutions both
public and private. So okay. This world-state will obviously
have interests and concerns that transcend the merely national
and economic.
 As it develops, this shy world-state will require the active
presence of many individuals that are also committed to larger
long-range goals. Even lawyers and sociologists will contribute
to 'the greatest good for the greatest number' right along side
the politicians and soldiers. Warriors of strong heart and mind
will be a vital necessity, of course; for the world-state
will attempt to impose peace upon the world by way of highly
disciplined violence (and threat of violence).
 And as the problems confounding international law mount in
number and intensity, the leaders of the world-state will find
that they must increasingly operate under the principle of
choosing between the lesser of two evils. In this situation
the philosopher will be a very useful addition to the cause.
 Another role that philosophers could play on a global scale
would be to act as the eyes and ears of the world-state.
They would have the authority to enter any corporation, any
government, any institution, anywhere in the world, at any
time, and observe the proceedings. They will then report their
findings and recommendations in accordance with their chief
concern for the future welfare of this planet and all its
peoples. They will always act independently and singly, but
will not be empowered to enforce any laws. They will thus
be much like friend Howie Mandel: extremely annoying, but
relatively harmless!
> One man and God is a majority!
 I tend to agree :)
              - the almost harmless one - textman ;>

End of Dialogue!

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