After the 5x5 was the 4x4.  That went well for me too.  My goal was to beat 2:45 and my times were:  2:35.02, 2:20.11, and 2:31.44!  Another good run for me.  This put me in 8th place for the 4x4.  Pete also competed in the 4x4 and got a new personal best on stage!!!
Our main focus again wasnt just on the competition, we mingled and chatted with other people and swapped algs and explained our methods and just talked and got to know each other.  We also got to meet people that have never posted online like the incredibly fast, David Allen (bellow)
Here is Ton cubing -->
Ton prepares speedcubes and there were a lot of people using his cubes at the competitions.  CONGRATS to Ton and his awesome cubes!!!
<--- David Allen uses super fast finger tricks that is awesome to see.  The method he uses is coners first!
<--- Here is Chris Hardwick and his 4x4.  Chris has a very good 4x4 method on his website that is used by lots of people, including me! 
The amazing Dan Knights is holding my cube!!!  Dan was very cool to meet and was later crowned victor of the RWC!  Way to go Dan!  
Even though Richard didnt compete in the 5x5 and 4x4 he spent a lot of time practising and was getting phenominal times.  ---------------------------------->>>

After the 4x4 event, was the 3x3.  Both me and Pete got to go but, time ran out and Richard (as well as many others) had to wait for the next day.   What a bummer!  Lots of people were upset! 
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