Staging Areas


Deming Station
New Mexico
Odds & Ends

Basic Techniques
Trail #1

Drug Interdiction

Alien Smuggling
Staging Areas
Into the Interior

Border Patrol Art
Safeguard 1999
Message Board

The increased presence of "La Migra" on the Southern border has made it more difficult for the smuggler to drive a vehicle into the United States. The "coyotes" have changed their tactics and now walk their contraband as far as ninety miles into the interior of the United States before trying to pick them up in vehicles.

The smugglers employ guides to lead these groups to a pre-arranged location where they will hide until the pick up vehicle can safely enter the area. They attempt to avoid roads used by the agents to locate sign of their passing. They will also try to time their crossings to give them the extra time needed to make it safely to their staging areas. Upon arrival, they will communicate by cellular phones or a more basic means of communication will be utilized.

A plastic bag hanging from a telephone pole indicates an area being used to pick up smuggling loads.

An area may used for a long period of time as long as it is safe from discovery by the Border Patrol. Clues often remain behind to assist the agent in determining if the area is still being used frequently or if the smugglers have moved onto a new location. Agents rely on hard work, citizen reports, intelligence gathering and luck to find new areas that are being be used as staging sites.

A staging area being used by alien smugglers. Notice the water bottles left behind after their trek through the desert. Trees have been cut down by the "coyotes" to hold more people.

Aliens will also walk to locations that are known to exploit the plight of the undocumented aliens vulnerability once they enter this country's boundaries. The aliens will wait in staging areas until they can make contact with a local resident. These "citizens" will try to further the entrance of the illegal aliens into the United States in order to earn "easy money".

Bigfields, Arizona
This area provided shelter from the elements and a perch to keep an eye on the trails coming into their hideaway.

Undocumented aliens often do not have the money to pay for their ride into the interior. They will make arrangements with relatives who are residing legally (and illegally) in the United States to pay for them when they arrive at a safe house. They are literally held hostage until their friends or relative can pay for their freedom.

Copyright Mark Norris 1999,2000

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