Cambot is the least seen robot of them all, that is about it. Other then he's the one taping the show. He will sometimes interact with the other characters. The main thing about Cambot is that you don't see him other then in the musical intro so you kind of have to build him from memory. I have built all the Cambots there are except for KTMA Cambot.
Parts list

Cambot Season 1: Two infant seats from the early 80's, not that hard to find in a thrift store. A small block of wood, about 4in. by 2in. A red spray paint cap, and some Silver spray paint.

Cambot Season 2-5.5: I have no idea what this thing is made of... I faked it and it still looks good. look at plenty of pictures, and I rcomend using card board for the body, and pvc for the lens. A toy siren decorates the back of the 'bot.
I primed him pink, and painted him red metal flake.

Cambot Season 5.5-10: The body is made out of two fruit ripening bowls, turned on each other to form a spherical shape. The bowls I found were already the correct gray color... score! The lens is made out of some projector lens, but I used a black cup with a mirror over the front. I also placed black card board around the gap of the two bowls and put two red light bulbs next to the lens.
See My Cambot!
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