Jenny's Story: My Life with Crouzon Syndrome

What is Crouzon Syndrome?

What is Craniosynostosis?

What is Hydrocephalus?

Growing Up with Crouzon Syndrome

Being an Adult with Crouzon Syndrome

Being a Mother with Crouzon Syndrome

And Baby Makes Three!

Dealing with Unexpected Crouzon Syndrome

The Team of Doctors

My Children's Operations

Photo Gallery

Helping Your Child to Cope with Teasing

Links Page


 God Sent to Me an Angel

Praise be to God

Jenny's Inspirational Sayings

Jenny's Inspirational Sayings II

The Secret of Success





God Sent to Me an Angel

God sent to me an angel,

it had a broken wing.

I bent my head and wondered

"How could God do such a thing?"

When I asked the Father

why He sent this child to me,

the answer was forthcoming,

He said "Listen and you'll see."

"My children are all precious,

and none is like the rest.

Each one to me is special

and the least is as the best.

I send each one from Heaven

and I place it in the care

of those who know my mercy,

those with love to spare.

Sometimes I take them back again.

Sometimes I let them stay.

No matter what may happen

I am never far away.

So if you find an angel

and you don't know what to do,

remember, I am with you,

love is all I ask of you."


by Paul Dammann

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