Case Closed Episode Guide

Episodes 1-8

**As I get time these first few short and undetailed episodes will be fleshed out!**

Episode 1: The Big Shrink

As the show's full opening theme song plays, a man is shown entering a darkened room and locking the door behind him. Outside another man emerges from an neighboring window with a rope, creeps along a narrow ledge, then leaps over to the nearby balcony. The man then secures the end of the rope and goes inside. The first man, sitting in a chair, is suprised and rises, only to be shot dead. Downstairs many people hear the shot and come running up, forcing the door open. They are shocked to find the first man laying dead on the floor as the song winds down.

Police Inspector Meguire and his officers soon arrive and talk to the host, a middle aged man in a wheelchair and with a cast on his leg. The host complains to Police Inspector Meguire that the investigation is going nowhere and his guests are all tired and need to go home. Meguire replies that the bank president, Mr. Yamakazaka, has been murdered and he can't let anyone go just yet. Just then teen detective Jimmy Kudo enters the room and says that someone at the party must have committed the murder since the room was three stories up and there are no signs of anyone climbing the building. He explains that the open window was the entrance and escape route of the killer, and the murderer had used a narrow 10 cm wide ledge to cross over from an adjoining window. He is questioned about how someone would have jumped back to the narrow ledge from the balcony, and Jimmy replies that the murderer carried a rope with him and secured it between the balcony rails with a short stick. When the killer was fleeing he came back across the rope, slackened it to free the stick, then pulled the rope across. Jimmy explains that someone had arranged a meeting in the room with the bank president, and the only person who knew the building well enough and would have been trusted by the bank president was the host himself. The host is shocked by the accusation since he is in a wheelchair, but Jimmy suddenly throws a globe at the man, forcing him to dodge it and reveal that his injury is a fake. Meguire then reveals that he had spoken to the host's doctor and found out that there was nothing wrong with his leg. He also says that the host had been heard arguing with the bank president over money before. The host attempts to flee, but Jimmy kicks the globe at him and knocks him down. The host is arrested and Meguire congratulates Jimmy on solving another case. Jimmy replies that he has to spread his name as an ace detective.

The next morning, Jimmy is awakened by an explosion outside. He looks out and sees Dr. Agasa, his elderly scientist neighbor, sitting in the ruins of his wall with a homemade jetpack on. He invites Agasa into his father's library so he can treat the cuts and bruises that the doctor has accumulated and Agasa admires all of the books and remembers that Jimmy's father is a great mystery novelist. He then explains that his newest invention, a civilain jetpack, will revolutionalize commuting. Agasa quickly crashes the invention again, leading Jimmy to call him a crazy old nut.

Meanwhile at Richard Moore's detective agency, Richard slams his hand down on his desk and complains to his daughter Rachel that Jimmy is taking all of his clients away. Rachel says that Jimmy is just really good, making Richard even more angry. Rachel leaves for school and finds Jimmy basking in his fame on the way. She hits him with her bag and says that he shouldn't be so giddy since he is taking work away from her father. Jimmy replies that her dad hadn't solved a case since VHS was cool, prompting Rachel to hit a light pole hard enough to dent it. Jimmy remembers that she is captain of the karate team and reminds himself not to get her angry. As they reach the school they pass the soccer fields and Jimmy takes a moment to drive a ball straight into one of the goals. Rachel tells him that if he hadn't quit the team, he would probably be a national hero by now, but Jimmy explains that he was just honing his body to be a great detective just like his hero, Sherlock Holmes. Rachel asks him why he doesn't just become a mystery writer like his father, and Jimmy says that he doesn't want to just write about being a detective, he wants to experience the adventures for himself, not to mention get the admiration of all the pretty girls. Rachel asks him if he doesn't want one real girlfriend and he thinks about it and looks at her. She gets embarrassed and tells him to stop looking at her, then asks him if he remembered they are supposed to go to the Tropical Land amusement park the next day. She knocks him to the ground when he seems oblivous, then hits him in the head with her bag for looking up her skirt. That night in a darkened room somone is crying as they thread beads on a wire.

The next day at Tropical Land, three kids, Amy, George, and Mitch, find themselves out of money. Amy tells them to follow her and she will show them how to ride the Mystery Coaster ride for free. Rachel and Jimmy are in line for the ride and when he sees the kids sneaking in a back entrance he remembers how he used to do stuff like that. Jimmy starts talking about Sherlock Holmes some more, explaining how Holmes could tell where a person was from with just a few visual clues. To demonstrate, Jimmy asks the girl in front of them to shake his hand, and says that she must be in gymnastics since her hands have calluses on them and she has bruises on her thighs from the bars. The man behind them tells Jimmy to stop bothering his friend Haley, and Jimmy asks if they want to sit together. The girl says no, since the male friend has a girlfriend with him and wants to sit alone with her. As they get on the ride, Jimmy dreams of telling Rachel how he feels one day. The gymnist, Haley, and her friend sit in the front seats, Jimmy and Rachel sit in the next, the guy and his girlfriend sit in the third row, and two men in black who forced their way up the line settle into the last seats. As the ride starts Rachel tells Jimmy to stop talking about mysteries and just as he is about to tell her how he feels about her, Rachel tells him that shes not really upset, but he does need to tone down the detective talk. The ride suddenly enters a dark tunnel and Jimmy feels a single drop of water suddenly hit him in the head. As the coaster emerges into the sun, the man's girlfriend screams and they discover the man's head is missing. Inside the twisting corriders of the ride, the 3 kids see some pearls bouncing around and soon hear sirens racing up from outside.

Meguire soon arrives and everyone from the ride is being questioned while Jimmy disappears back inside. Jimmy soon returns and says that the murderer was someone on board. Meguire rules out Jimmy and Rachel from the list of suspects since he knows them, leaving only five people. Haley and her friend, the two men in black, and the man's girlfriend, Ashly. The two men refuse to give Meguire their names unless he books them and are very eager to leave. Meguire figures that with the safety bars locked down, the only person who could have killed the man, Kenneth, was the person sitting right next to him. They find a knife in her purse and she is hysterical, saying that she didn't do it. The two men are about to go, leaving Jimmy to wonder about the cold looks in their eyes and their eagerness to go. Jimmy tells Meguire that it wasn't Ashly, as the knife wouldn't be able to cut cleanly through bone and she didn't have the strength to kill him. He then says that Haley, the gymnist, did it. Jimmy says that she had planted the knife in Ashly's bag to avoid suspicion. Meguire asks Jimmy how she could have done it from the front seat, and Jimmy explains that she had put her bag behind her when she sat down so the safety bars wouldn't lock tight on her. She then slipped under the bar in the dark tunnel, leaned back and tossed a loop of piano wire around his neck, then threw the other end of the wire connected to a grappeling hook down where it would catch on the track. All that was needed was good balance and a nack for maneuvering a body, the track did the rest. Haley protests, but Jimmy asks her where her big strand of pearls that she was wearing earlier went. Jimmy shows them the grappeling hook, wire, and beads he found inside and says he knew she did it even before he went looking, since a single tear hit him before Kenneth was murdered. Jimmy explains that she was crying before it happened because she knew she would never see him again. Haley finally breaks down and admits killing him because he had jilted her years before. She said she was planning on taking her own life afterwards.

As they leave, Rachel is still torn up about what happened, but Jimmy stays cool and says its best not to let things like that affect you on the job. Suddenly one of the men in black goes running by into a deserted area of the park and Jimmy decides to follow and see what he's up to. He tells Rachel, "Don't worry, I'll catch up with you later." Rachel starts to chase after him, but her shoestring breaks and Jimmy runs off without her. She feels strange, like she will never see him again. Jimmy follows behind and finds the man in black talking with another man. The new man gives him a suitcase with at least a million dollars in it in exhange for a film of the man's company smuggling illegal things. As soon as the deal is over the other man in black spies Jimmy eavesdropping and cracks him on the head with a metal pipe. Jimmy goes down as the two bicker over being followed. The larger man in black is about to shoot Jimmy to make sure he doesn't talk, but the other says they don't want to leave a bullet trail. They decide instead to test out a powerful new poison created by their organization that supposedly cannot be detected in an autopsy. They slip one of the capsules in Jimmy's mouth and leave him to die in the grass. Jimmy lays there as the poison takes effect and is certain that he is dying. He feels like his skin is on fire and his bones are melting and finally passes out. He awakens as two cops find his body. He realizes he is alive when they say he is still breathing and call an ambulance. They keep referring to him as a little boy, confusing him and making him think there's something not right about them. Jimmy sits there confused and bewildered, not yet knowing he now has the body of a little boy.

Next Conan Hint: Skyscraper!

Episode 2: The Kidnapped Debutante

The now dimunitive Jimmy runs home from the park. He finds his eccentric neighbor Dr. Agasa there and manages to convince him that he is really Jimmy. Dr. Agasa considers the facts and tells Jimmy that he needs to stay low until they can figure out who the men in black were and if there is an antidote. They decide not to tell anyone that the boy is really Jimmy.

When a worried Rachel wonders by, Dr. Agasa tells her that Jimmy is a relative of his. Jimmy quickly comes up with the alias Conan Edogawa from some nearby books and slaps on some old glasses to help disquise himself. Dr. Agasa asks Rachel if Conan can stay with her for awhile. Rachel agrees and takes Conan home with her to meet her father, failing detective Richard Moore.

As soon as they get there Richard is hired onto a kidnapping case. Conan and Rachel trail along. It turns out that a rich industrialist's daughter has been kidnapped, and the only one who saw it was the butler. The butler tells them that a man in black grabbed the girl and left via a pine tree. Conan looks closer and discovers an excited dog staked next to the tree. Knowing that the kidnapper couldn't have gotten past the dog without a ruckus, Conan nudges Richard into discovering that the butler is lying. Just as the butler confesses to stowing the girl at a hotel in order to help her get more attention from her father, a real kidnapper calls asking for a ransom. This kidnapper has stolen the girl from the hotel and seems dangerous.

Conan races off with the dog after hearing the girl scream over the phone that she can see a chimney and is in a school. After making the rounds of all the schools where a chimney is visible and finding nothing, Conan figures out that the chimney is the dark side of a building and narrows down her location. Once there he interrupts the kidnapper just before the girl can be hurt. The dog attacks the man, but is knocked away with a metal baseball bat. Conan is also unable to stop the kidnapper because of his small size, but Rachel follows him and takes the kidnapper down with her karate moves.

Next Conan Hint: Ice!

Episode 3: Beware of Idols

The pop idol Yoko Okino and her manager suddenly show up at Richard's door. They are concerned because Yoko is being stalked by a mysterious man. Richard, a huge fan of hers, agrees to take the case. Conan and Rachel manage to tag along with them as they return to Yoko's apartment. Along the way three new classmates of Conan's show up. They are Amy, Mitch, and George, three 7 year olds with an apetite for adventure.

Upon arriving at the apartment they are horrified to find a dead man in the floor with a knife in his back. Conan jumps into action, quickly analyzing the scene. The heat is on high, there is moisture around the body, a dent in the floor, and a carefully placed chair nearby are all the clues he can find. After the police and Inspector Meguire arrive, Conan then finds an earring behind a nearby couch, but no one will listen to a kid like him. Conan decides to use the special bowtie that Dr. Agasa had made for him. By adjusting the knobs on the back of the bowtie, Conan can make his voice sound however he wants. Conan uses a deep cop sounding voice to call attention to the earring.

The earring is found to belong to a rival of Yoko. The rival is brought in, but claims to have never been there before. Conan sees through her lies when he notices how familiar she is with the apartment. He manages to knock Richard out and crawls behind the chair Richard is slumped in. Conan adjusted the bowtie to Richard's voice and explains what really happened to the man.

It turns out that the man was a former boyfriend of Yoko that was persuaded by her manager to stop seeing her. The ex boyfriend became obsessed with her and finally showed up at her apartment to tell her that he still loved her. When he arrived, however, the rival was there trying to find some dirt on Yoko. The boyfriend thought she was Yoko, and when the woman ran from him he decided to commit suicide in a way that would make it look like murder. He froze a knife in a block of ice and then fell on it, shoving it into his back. The ice then melted in the heat.

Conan later uses the bowtie to call Rachel from down the street. He adjusts it to his grown up Jimmy voice and tells her that he is away on a very important case and will be back soon. Rachel is relieved and Conan returns to her home with a new alibi in place.

Next Conan Hint: Neon Lights!

Episode 4: Fish Marks the Spot

Conan is on a trip to a museum with his new friends Amy, Mitch, and George. They are leaving when they stumble across a scrap of paper covered in several odd pictures. Convinced that they have found a treasure map of sorts, the three announce they will form the Junior Detective League with Conan. Conan decides to go along with their harebrained hunt.

After studying the symbols on the map all day, Conan figures out that each of the symbols represents a neon sign that lights up at night. Unknown to them, a trio of suspicious men has been following them all day. Conan solves the location of the final clue and finds three sacks of gold at the one spot where he can see a lighted up fish symbol. Unfortunately, the three men are bank robbers who have been hunting for this very same gold. They move in and capture the four, but Conan still manages to drop the sacks full of gold on the crooks.

They find out later that the crook's accomplice betrayed them and hid the gold from them after a big robbery in Italy. He had made the map for himself, but they had found him and stolen the map, only to lose it outside the museum. They saw the four solving the map and just moved in at the end. The Junior Detective league got to the police, and the crooks were arrested. At the end of the episode Amy gives Conan a kiss in front of Rachel, making him very uncomfortable.

Next Conan Hint: !

Episode 5: The Time Bomb Express

Richard has recieved an invitation to a wedding from an old friend of his. The whole gang comes along on a long peaceful train trip out to the country. Conan's peace is abruptly interrupted, however, when two men in black appear on the train. Thinking that they are the two who poisoned him, Conan hides a tiny bug in their seat's ashtray and listens to their whole conversation via his new reciever eyeglasses, another gift from Dr. Agasa. It turns out that they aren't the two men Conan thought they were, but they were crooks all the same.

According to their conversation, the two men have met with a person on the train and left that person a briefcase that supposedly contains some important money market info. They mention that if the case is jolted hard it will explode, but in any case it will explode at 4:15 after it's owner pushes certain buttons. The men make a quick getaway at the next stop, leaving a panicked Conan scrambling to find who has the explosive briefcase.

Conan's clues are that the men couldn't smoke while meeting with the person, and that the person is looking down at the scenery. He quickly figures out that the person must be sitting in a no smoking car on the second floor. Checking things out, Conan finds four people with briefcases in that car. One person has a laptop, another has a cell phone, and another has a cd player. Conan rules out the last guy by seeing that his case is full of boxers, then sets to work trying to discover who has the bomb. He speaks to each person, but is unable to figure it out before he is busted for bothering people and confined to his seat by an irate Rachel.

As the last seconds ticked down, Conan finally figures out the clues. He remembers that the woman who had the cell phone had said she had enjoyed seeing a mountain, even though her seat faced the sea. He knew she had to have been elsewhere in the meeting with the men in order to be facing the mountains. He runs to find her, only to see her dialing a number on her phone. Conan activated his newest gadget, a pair of shoes that give him super strong kicks, and booted the case out the window just in time.

Episode 6: Tragic Valentine

When a big meatheaded guy gets a crush on Rachel, Conan is furious and Rachel is distinctly uncomfortable. Things grow worse when Rachel and her friend get invited to the home of Keenin, the meathead's friend, for a Valentine's Day party. According to tradition, on Valentine's Day a girl makes chocolates and gives them to a guy that she likes. If he likes her back, he will then eat all of the chocolates. Rachel makes chocolates that evening, but doesn't tell Conan who they are for.

At the party, all of the girls except Rachel are interested in Keenin. The other two guys at the party are the meathead and an introverted guy named Logan. Conan, who jealously followed Rachel to the party, is discovered and is invited to join them. Keenin soon shows everyone how much of a jerk he is by making fun of Logan and generally being rude to everyone. One of the girls, Karen, is a very old friend of Keenin. She is the first to offer her chocolates to him, but he refuses to take them. Logan finds Karen crying and grows very angry with Keenin because Logan secretly has a crush on Karen.

As the party continues, Keenin becomes more of a jerk. His mother brings out coffee and cake for all of the guests, but Keenin refuses to eat the cake because he doesn't like sweets. He then goes outside to smoke with a cigarette bummed from Logan. Another of the girls, Katy, follows him and gives him her chocolates. Seconds later Keenin falls over dead. Inspector Meguire and Richard are soon on the scene.

They first think that the chocolate Katy gave him was posioned, but Conan knows that something isn't adding up. After a clue from Conan, they determine that the cigarette that Logan gave to Keenin was posioned, and Logan even admits that he tried to posion Keenin, but Conan points out that Keenin had removed the posioned filter from the cigarette. He finally figures out that the mother was the one who killed Keenin with posioned coffee. The antidote was in the cake, which she made sure everyone else ate. The mother turned out to be just a legal gaurdian who wanted Keenin dead to help her finacially struggling family keep their house. At the end Rachel tells the meathead in clear terms to leave her alone, and eats the chocolates that she wanted to give to Jimmy with Conan.

Episode 7: Mysterious Gifts

While Rachel is back to worrying about Jimmy's disappearance, a man shows up with a strange new mystery for Richard to solve. The man, Dr. Woodman, has been recieving toys and 10,000 dollars every month for two years from an unknown person. The latest delivery contains a note saying that he has payed for it in full, now he is coming to get it. The doctor is worried and wants Richard to help find out who this mysterious person is. Rachel, meanwhile, has become very suspicious of Conan after he figures out that Dr. Woodman is a surgeon from indentions on the doctor's fingers. She is reminded of Jimmy's talent for figuring out things like that from the smallest of details.

They all head to the hospital on Conan's suggestion in order to look for clues as to the person's identity. Dr. Woodman finds a bouquet of morning Glories waiting on him, and tells them that every February 19th for two years he has recieved these flowers. Conan suggests that maybe a former patient with ties to that date is behind all of the gifts and flowers. Richard looks through the doctor's patient records, but is unable to find any connections.

Thinking all of this may have something to do with a valuable peice of art in the waiting room, Richard and the doctor go to look at it. Meanwhile Conan takes the opportunity to skim through the files for himself. He doesn't know that Rachel has remained behind and she catches him intently studying. She wonders how such a little boy can be so inuitive and smart. Thinking back on the cases he has been along on, Rachel realizes that he has always brought up topics that led to solving the case. Remembering that he showed up just after Jimmy disappeared, she resolves to test him. Rachel compliments Conan, saying 'You're so smart Jimmy!" He says yeah, not noticing that she is using his real name until it is too late. He quickly begins playing one of the games that the doctor had recieved to change the subject. Conan finds the name Tommy Oswald in the game and remembers that one of the patient's names was that. It was the name of a little boy who died two years ago on February 19th of appendicitis. Figuring out what is really going off, Conan tells Rachel to go get the others immediately, cementing her theory of him being Jimmy. Conan now has all the peices to figure out that the mysterious gift sender is a parent of Tommy who blames Dr. Woodman for the death of his son. Knowing that he doesn't have time to hide his role in the investigations, Conan tells them that Dr. Woodman's son Joseph is in trouble. Calling, they find out from his school that Joseph was just picked up by his father. Since the school is nearby, they rush off to try and save the boy.

They all run to find Joseph and find Mr. Oswald about to stab the young boy. Conan stops the man momentarily with a high power soccer ball kick, but the man recovers the knife and threatens to stab Joseph. The doctor pleads with Oswald, saying that he couldn't do anything for Tommy because it was already too late when he arrived at the hospital. What finally stops Oswald is Joseph thanking him for all the toys. Oswald breaks down crying and concedes that Dr. Woodman was not at fault, and they decide not to press charges against Oswald.

While the case is over, Rachel's investigation of Conan is still in full swing. She is now convinced that Conan is somehow Jimmy in a kid's body. Conan takes off on an errand on the way home, and finds Rachel waiting for him when he arrives. She catches him in another lie and demands that he tell her the truth. The phone suddenly rings, and when she answers Jimmy is on the line. In truth it is Dr Agasa using the voice changing bowtie, but Rachel is convinced that she was crazy and Conan is off the hook. Conan's little errand turned out to be a trip to get Dr. Agasa to make the phone call and decieve her.

Episode 8: The Art Museum Murder Case

After hearing reports of a suit of armor walking around at night in a local art museum, Rachel is determined to go and see the place for herself. Richard and Conan think it is just a publicity stunt of the soon closing museum, but Rachel insists on going. They arrive and meet the aging director, Mr ODonnell, who deeply loves the museum and all of its art. The new owner of the museum, a man named Mr. Minaka, comes by and mentions his plans to make the museum into a casino. After admonishing an employee named Kaboda for not properly handling the paintings, the director leaves the three to explore the various exhibits.

They find one exhibit blocked off, but after seeing the rest of the museum they circle back and find the exhibit is available again. The go into the exhibit, The Chamber of Hades, but are horrified to discover Mr. Minaka pinned to the wall with a sword through his chest. Inspector Meguire arrives and they quickly determine that it must have been an employee of the museum who was the murderer since the exhibit had been blocked off. Since the room had a security camera, they all go to watch and see who the murderer was. To their suprise it was someone in a suit of armor who slayed Mr. Minaka. They see during the killing Mr. Minaka grabbed a tag off the wall and scribbled something quickly with a pen just before the murderer finished him off. Going back to the scene they find that the paper in Minaka's hand reads Kaboda. Soon the bloody suit of armor is found in Kaboda's locker, making everyone sure that Kaboda is the killer. Everyone except for Conan.

Conan finds the pen that Minaka must have used, but the ball point is retracted, something that Conan thinks is odd since who would take the time to do that when they are being killed. Upon reviewing the tape again, Conan figures out the case. The murderer told Mr. Minaka that the murderer's name was on the tag on the wall. Mr. Minaka saw the name of Kaboda on it, but knew that it was someone else who was attacking him. He grabbed a nearby pen and attempted to scribble out Kaboda's name, but the pen wouldn't write. The good retracted pen that was found at the scene was a replacement for the original inkless pen. Conan decides that the only one who could be the killer was the director himself, Mr. Odonnell.

To trap Odonnell, Conan acts like he needs to go to the bathroom really bad and demands Odonnell draw him a map to it. Odonnell pulls out his pen to draw it, but then stops before even trying the pen, knowing that he has been figured out. The pen that Odonnell has will not write. Conan asks why someone would carry a pen around that they know will not write. After Conan shows them that there are marks on the paper where Minaka tried to use a pen that wouldn't write, Richard and Meguire figure out that Odonnell is the crook. Odonnell confesses to killing Minaka to save the museum from being turned into a casino. He attempted to frame Kaboda because Kaboda had been selling the artwork on the side, angering Odonnell. Odonnell praises the young detective and is taken away by the police.

Index    >>Next Page: Episode 9-16

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