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Crayola Telecommunication was established in 2018. We are a have a keen knowledge of wireless cellular network deployment and wireless cellular network construction. Our experience has given us a broad understanding of the our target markets. We strive to overcome & avoid obstacles to meet expectations within a timely schedule & under budget.


With over a two decades in telecommunication industry, Uncle Crayola has dedicated his time, effort, and experience to perfecting his knowledge of wireless cellular network deployment and wireless cellular network construction. He has worked with the top four major network carriers in the United States. He has a extensive history with 4G LTE networks as well as great knowledge of upcoming 5G networks.

Documentation of the Development Process

Intent of this website is to create & promote our online presence. With the continuing movement towards a digital world, a website is absolutely necessary to create & maintain an online presence. We intend to promote our business in a positive & professional manner, while possibly generating new business. Lastly, this is the start to creating an online brand. Most successful companies in this E-Commerce era have a great online presence & brand. While we are not follower, we do realize business has changed from physical interaction to online interaction. Online presence creates positve "buzz" and creates businesses with household names who are trusted & respect amongst peers & consumers. For our site, we met our objective "head on", meaning we did our job portraying the intented message. We created a simple, user-friendly website. While our website isn't the flashiest, we got our point across on who we are and what we do.

Defense of Final Product

Our design choice revolved around simplicity with contrast. Using a industry specific, black & white image with contrasting colors on text & borders gives a simplistic, but yet intriguing view. The images are meant to entertain as well as inform on the industry we are in: wireless telecommunictaion. Every page has a custom & actual image of wireless cellular site. Also, our gallery page features additional actual videos and image from wireless cellular sites. We have submerged our website around what we see as industry highlights. The image's views and perspectives, we feel, is something everyone will not see first hand. By providing this to our visitor, we bridge an unknown gap between us. Providing these images drizzled with some brief paragraphs of our business gives user a first hand, professional look at a small portion of the world of wireless telecommunication.

Oppurtunities for Improvement and Growth

Websites are always an ongoing process. In the future, we would love to incorporate more exciting features: moving images on home page, dropdowns for each navigation link, more links to other resources, possibilities are endless! For our website template we have now, we are happy. To add and make more innovative ways to receive information will be next target. Links to industry specific news will be a great example of possible additions, this will keep visitors more informed with our world. Creating webpages that will keep same properties when resized will be crucial for next update. We are excited to explore new updates and provide as resources become available