Snapshot #1 shows the main program window. A rare 29-point hand is being scored.
Statistically, you should get a 29-pointer once every 216,580 deals. As a sanity check, I crunched a billion deals with the default card generator. This produced a 29-hand frequency within 0.7% of the expected value.
Snapshot #2 shows the program Help/About info. The original DOS version of the program (written in Assembly language) dates to 1989. The current 1997 version (written in MSVB 3.0 with core DLL written in MSC 5.6) is my stab at a GUI followup.
The use of an older version of Visual Basic was intentional. VB 4.0 (or 5.0) seemed like overkill for the job. I actually started development under VB 4.0, but balked when I saw the size of a "hello world" install.
Snapshot #3 captures part of the help file display -- in this case, a description of an option menu setting. A good chunk of the help file is dedicated to hints and tips about cribbage.