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Welcome to Craft-Antics

Hi! My name is Lyn and I am an Aussie with a passion for all things needlework related. This site started it's life as a private bookmark page and it has just kept on evolving. There's plenty to explore here, so grab a cuppa (Australian for cup of tea) and enjoy! One small note before you begin: because I'm an Aussie (and proud of it!) I have marked all my Aussie links with a warataha waratah, which is a beautiful native Australian flower. (big smile)

For those of you familiar with my site you have probably noticed that there have been just a few changes. LOL! Please bear with me as I continue to update. If you find any errors please do let me know. With over 100 pages to this site it will very easy to miss one or two.

The backgrounds and graphics on these pages have been created exclusively for this site and have been created to view at a resolution of 600 by 800. Please do not take them and use them on your own. My other site, Backgrounds For Stitchers, has a growing range of linkware sets and backgounds for you to choose from and I am always happy to accomodate anyone with a special request.

Please note also that the smocking plates and their graphs, the stitching illustrations and instructions, the photographs of my work (including those of my family) and the background for the Southern Cross Quilters page are all subject to copyright and you are limited to taking one printed copy of the stitching pages for your personal use only. They are not to be reproduced in any other format or form without my written consent.

By entering this site you agree to these terms.

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Proud to be Australian