<BGSOUND SRC="bjorn_lynne-winding_roads.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Australia is unique in having the longest

continuous cultural history in the world.

     In Aboriginal ledgends, this vast land was

created and shaped by the great mythical

beings of the Dreamtime. 

The Aboriginals cared and  looked after this

land,  fulfilling ritual obligations to their

ancestors for at least sixty thousand years.  

     Visit my pages on this great and unique

culture and discover the darker side.....    why

many Aboriginals still remain a dispossessed

and lost people in our modern society today.
Please Enter
This site is dedicated to the Rights of the Australian Aboriginal and

supports the basic rights of all other peoples of the world.

DX-ing on the 11-Meter band has become an enjoyable way of

meeting and  making friends world wide. For many, it is their first step

towards  becoming Amateur Radio operators. For many more, it will be

an  opportunity to learn something about the many  diverse cultures that

make up this world we share.

We are  more alike than any differences which may separate us.
In the Land of the
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws