26.285 MHz
...the forgotten frequency?

The 11-Meter Band has proved itself over the years as being an excellent frequency for DX-ing the world, but has it become too popular?   These days it must be very frustrating for the average operator to make any DX contacts without being trampled on by some nutters running a high power amplifier and jumping onto the frequency without being  aware of anyone else or just being dam rude!
Then there are SILLY ACTIVATIONS such as; "my hometown activation" etc.  My "Grandmother's birthday" activation will be next!! Yes, I've heard it all over the past week or so. "Your PROGRESSIVE NUMBER is...."  Why do many operators fall for this kind of thing?
          By all means have an activation from some remote prefix which is very seldom heard,
but not 43 Division, the USA or European countries where there are many thousands of operators who are be only too willing to QSL and without any need for you to send your hard earned dollar.
          Any decent radio club, worth it's salt,  should be able to organise a small group to activate some of the less heard prefix's at their own expense, and do so for the love of doing it.

Over the last few years, I have received a number of requests from well known clubs to "activate"  43 Division, and some even had the audacity to mention rewards for doing so!!!  It is up to
YOU,  the 11 Meter DX-er to put a stop to this, before it gets much worse.  

       When I began operating on the 11 Meter band many years ago, it was frustrating trying to be heard on the 555 calling frequency, unless I joined the amp gang!  It's bad enough trying to get through the brain-dead operators which always appear on the frequency when the "States comes in". God only knows, we have enough of them here on the band without going overseas! 
Shortly after I began operating, I discovered the European Calling Frequency on 26.285 MHz and it has remained over the years my favourite corner of the band. Today it is very much an International Calling Frequency and I have worked into all parts of the world on just a few watts. What's more, the operators you find here are real "Hams" in the true meaning of the word and always have time for a good, interesting QSO.

       The lower end of 11 Meters seems to have very different characteristics to the upper part.  Usually when "555" is open with  propagation, this part of the frequency might seem to be closed but more times than not it is wide open ... just waiting for a call!
There are times when "555" is dead to the world, but not 26.285 MHz .  And it can be a hive of activity when open!

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