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Tourist Attractions near Silicon Valley

Interested to see how the Bay Area cities are ranked in the country? Richest towns in America.
Interested to see the points of interest for local people? Bay Area Backroads.
Interested to get more info about the Bay Area? Bay Insider.
Interested to see the Bay Area from the satellite in orbit? (click on the map to zoom in) U.S. Geological Survey Bay Area DOQ Imagery; LandSat Photo

The following is a list of places I'd give to my friends who come to visit the Silicon Valley. Most of the list are hyperlinked, click on the item to see more. (my recommendations are marked by dot )

Silicon Valley:

San Jose

Santa Clara

Palo Alto

Mountain View


North: (about one hour driving)

dot San (bring-your-windbreaker) Francisco



Walnut Creek

Further North from S.F. (1-2 hour driving):

Further South: (within two hours driving)


Santa Cruz

Monterey (alternate site)


Further away (4-6 hours driving, accommodation needed):

prepared by [email protected]

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