David Bowie Trivia Quiz

Objective: answer 7 questions correctly. JavaScript required!

1. The song I'm Afraid of Americans also appeared on the soundtrack to what movie?

Lost Highway
Natural Born Killers

2. What rising New-Wave act opened up for Iggy Pop's 1977 tour where Bowie played keyboards?

Talking Heads
The B-52's

3. Who was the avante-garde act that appeared with Bowie on Saturday Night Live circa 1980?

Klaus Nomi
Loni Kreuder

4. Which guitarist has NOT played with Bowie?

Jeff Beck
Carlos Santana
Pat Metheny
Peter Frampton

5. What movie was used to open the 1976 Station to Station tour?

The Man Who Fell to Earth
Love You Til Tuesday
A Clockwork Orange
Un Chien Andalou

6. What Moody Blues Song did Tin Machine cover in some of its shows?

Tuesday Afternoon
Knights In White Satin
Go Now
I'm Just a Singer In a R&R Band

7. What rising talent has Bowie not worked with and helped?

Luther Vandross
Stevie Ray Vaughan
Tom Petty
David Sanborn

8. Who helped introduce Bowie into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (although David wasn't there)?

Lou Reed
Iggy Pop
Mick Jagger

9. On which Stevie Wonder album is Bowie thanked in the credits?

Talking Book
Fulfillingness First Finale
Songs in the Key of Life

10. Which of these songs did Bowie NOT perform at 1985's Live Aid?

Modern love

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