David Bowie on Film
My Usual Preface: Between film, television, music videos and so forth, David Bowie has undoubtedly appeared in hundreds, probably thousands of "films."  This page deals specifically with his major movie appearances; thus I have not included things such as Jazzin' For Blue Jean, The Ziggy Stardust Movie, The Video Collection and so forth.  I have tried to deal with only those motion pictures where Bowie has an acting role.    Enjoy - DEmerson

I have included the following information for each movie:
The Title of the movie
Year of its release in theaters
Plot Summary in brief perhaps along with some trivia about the film
Bowie's Role is his character's name and whether it is a (M) Main Starring Role or  (S) Supporting Role or a (C) Cameo Appearance
Other Actors of note who appear in the movie
Availability of the movie on VHS/DVD: (A) Available easily , (F) Fairly available but might require some looking , (R) Rare - you'll have to really look and perhaps go to the "black market" and (SU) Still Unavailable and awaiting general release at the time of this writing
My Rating being my own personal opinion:
4 Stars-  Excellent, a must see                 2 Stars  -  Not bad, but not great
        3 Stars - Very good, well worth watching  1 Stars  -  For die-hard fans only


Title - The Man Who Fell to Earth
Year - 1976
Plot Summary - In Bowie's first major film, and still considered something of a signature role, he plays a "visitor" from another planet who uses his superior intellect to amass a great fortune in order to build a space vehicle to return to rescue his dying planet.  In the end though, Mr. Newton is seduced by liquor, women and his own greed. Directed by Nicholas Roeg. The Station To Station cover is from the film.
Bowie's Role - Thomas Jerome Newton (M)
Other Actors - Candy Clark
Availability - A/F
My Rating - 4 Stars
Title - Just A Gigolo
Year - 1979
Plot Summary - Bowie himself has described this as his 32 Elvis movies rolled into one. I only saw this on its initial theatre release. Roughly it deals with Bowie as, well, a Gigolo in 1920's Berlin.  Directed by David Hemmings.
Bowie's Role - Paul (M)
Other Actors - Kim Kovak, Marlene Dietrich
Availability - R
My Rating -  2 Stars
Title - Christiane F.
Year - 1981
Plot Summary - Grim saga of two German teenagers who become addicted to heroin.  Bowie performs Station to Station and provides the soundtrack.
Bowie's Role - David Bowie /The Thin White Duke (C)
Other Actors - Natja Brunckhorst
Availability- R
My Rating - 3 Stars
Title - Baal
Year - 1982
Plot Summary - Filmed for the BBC, Bowie stars in this Bertolt Brecht tale. I finally came upon a vhs copy recently, and while it certainly has its moments, it really falls into the category of "for die hards only."
Bowie's Role - Baal (M)
Other Actors - ?
Availability - R
My Rating -1-1/2 Stars
Title - The Hunger
Year - 1983
Plot Summary - Bowie plays an aging vampire in this stylish, sexy piece.  Probably my personal favorite of his as I see a lot of symbolism about the nature of relationships. That plus a great opening sequence with the band Bauhaus, the infamous Deneuve/Sarandon love scene and overall just a cool movie.
Bowie's Role - John Blaylock (M/S)
Other Actors - Susan Sarandon, Catherine Deneuve
Availability - A/F
My Rating -
4 Stars
Title - Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence
Year - 1983
Plot Summary - Nagisa Oshima's complex film of the relationship between British POW's and the Japanese is often considered Bowie's best celluloid acting performance.
Bowie's Role - Major Jack Celliers (M/S)
Other Actors - Tom Conti
Availability - F
My Rating -
3 Stars
Title - Into the Night
Year - 1985
Plot Summary - Light hearted comedy that is sort of an L.A. version of
After Hours.
Bowie's Role - Colin Morris (S/C)
Other Actors - Jeff Goldblum, Michelle Pfeiffer
Availability - F
My Rating -  2 Stars
Title - Absolute Beginners
Year - 1986
Plot Summary - Bowie dances on a big typewriter, and sings Volare in this well intentioned attempt to bring back the musical. Directed by Julien Temple.
Bowie's Role - Vendice Partners (M/S)
Other Actors - Sade, Patsy Kensit
Availability - F
My Rating - 2 Stars
Title - Labyrinth
Year - 1986
Plot Summary - Muppet-master Jim Henson's fantastical tale of Sarah (the beautiful Jennifer Connelly) and her quest to get back her baby brother from the clutches of the wicked Goblin King (a wigged Bowie). Her travels through the challenging Labyrinth provide laughs and some great special effects.  This seems to be many a young lady's first introduction to Bowie, and it seems as though the trousers have quite an effect! A terrific movie to watch with kids and some underrated songs on the soundtrack.
Bowie's Role - Jareth, the Goblin king (M)
Other Actors - Jennifer Connelly and many wonderful muppet-like friends
Availability - A
My Rating -  3-1/2 Stars
Title - The Last Temptation of Christ
Year - 1988
Plot Summary - Martin Scorcese's controversial re-interpretation of the Crucifixion.
Bowie's Role - Pontius Pilot (S/C)
Other Actors - William Dafoe
Availability - A/F
My Rating -
3 Stars
Title - The Linguini Incident
Year - 1991
Plot Summary - A romantic comedy that could be called Desperately Seeking Substance.
Bowie's Role - Monte (M)
Other Actors - Rosanna Arquette
Availability - F
My Rating - 2 Stars
Title - Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me
Year - 1992
Plot Summary - David Lynch's big screen treatment of the strange but popular TV show.  As with many Lynch movies, this one has some genuinely terrifying moments.
Bowie's Role - Phillip Jeffries (C)
Other Actors - Kyle MacLachlan, Chris Isaak
Availability - A
My Rating - 3 Stars
Title - Basquiat
Year - 1997
Plot Summary - Story of Jean Michael Basquiat, gifted but troubled New York "graffiti artist" who rose to fame in the heady world of the 1980's downtown art scene, then tragically died of an overdose. Directed by artist Julien Schnabel.
Bowie's Role - Andy Warhol (S)
Other Actors - Jeffrey Wright, Dennis Hopper, William Dafoe, Christopher Walken, Courtney Love
Availability - A/F
My Rating -4 Stars
Title - B.U.S.T.E.D. (aka Everybody Loves Sunshine)
Year - 1999/2000
Plot Summary - Confused tale of British mobsters led by drum 'n' bass musician Goldie. Overall doesn't reach its potential but has some good moments.
Bowie's Role - Bernie (S)
Other Actors - Goldie
Availability - A/F
My Rating - 2 Stars
Title - Il Mio West aka The Gunslingers Revenge
Year - 1999/2000
Plot Summary - Western comedy? Finally released on DVD, Sept. 2005. Strange movie, truly saved only by Bowie's over the top role as a "bad guy." Certainly worth watching for Bowie's wicked Jack- sadly, he's only in it for about the last 40 minutes.
Bowie's Role - Jack Sikora
Other Actors - Harvey Keitel
Availability - A/F
My Rating - 2-1/2 Stars
Title - Zoolander
Year - 2001
Plot Summary -  Ben Stiller's comedy about the fashion moDEl world, has Bowie serving as ref in a brief scene involving a fashion competition.
Bowie's Role - Himself (C)
Other Actors - Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson
Availability - A
My Rating - 2-1/2 Stars
Title - Exhuming Mr. Rice (aka Mr. Rice's Secret)
Year - 1999/2000
Plot Summary -  A rather sweet, if sad, little movie that could also use more Bowie than it has. Mr. Rice (Bowie) befriends a young boy and helps teach him some life lessons in the face of hardship.
Bowie's Role - Mr. Rice
Other Actors - ?
Availability - A/F
My Rating - 2 Stars
Title - Yellowbeard
Year - 1983
Plot Summary - Members of Monty Python pirate comedy.
Bowie's Role - A shark - yes, really (C)
Other Actors - Cheech and Chong, Eric Idle, Madeline Kahn, etc.
Availability - F/R
My Rating -
1-1/2 Stars
Title - Mayor of Sunset Strip
Year - 2004
Plot Summary -  Story of famed LA D-J Rodney Bingenheimer.  Bowie again plays himself (sporting the thankfully short-lived mohawk), this time showing him hanging out with Rodney before a show in LA.
Other Actors - Various other celebrities like Courtney Love and Cher
Availability - A/F
My Rating - 2-1/2 Stars
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