The Mystery Of Life

I've picked up the phone before when the computer's online.  There's a sound just like static.  It sounds just as random and chaotic as static from the radio or tv, yet in reality, it's very highly ordered information.  It only appears random because we don't understand the pattern or the purpose.

Sometimes the events in the world seem so random and chaotic.  Someone dies and we wonder why.  Was it an 'accident'?  Sometimes the pain and fear of the world becomes too crazy to deal with and we start to wonder whether there is a God at all.  And, if there is a God, you just want to know His plan.  Inside, you feel like you need to make some sense of it all, but you just can't.  So, you give up...

Yet, just like the seemingly random static, life's seemingly random events have a purpose behind them.  Things don't just happen.  It's just that the plan is so far beyond our understanding that it seems just to be 'static'.

A man may escape from prison and not be caught, allowing him to save a boy stuck on a train track.  He returns to prison, but not until after he learned compassion.  In most cases, though, it's more complicated.  There's meaning to everything in life, though it may not always be clear.  Everything has a purpose.  God is all-knowing.  When I doubted God in my past, I doubted in the existence of Love, purpose, and hope.  I denied the wonder and mystery of the world for confusion.  People can be as arrogant as they want, saying that life is random and there is no God, content as if their ignorance is omniscience (knowing everything).  Faith is knowing that God has a purpose for your life even when it just seems to be nothing but pain up to now.  Faith is trusting God, not yourself.

Recommended Movie:  Wide Awake

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