The Real Dangers of the Internet
Written October 22, 2000

When people think of the dangers associated with the internet, they typically think of net stalkers, pornography, online privacy, or things like that, but the real danger is much subtler and actually related less directly to the net itself. When this site came under attack, I could have just forever closed it and not even left the thoughts open, but I've always wanted to believe that these thoughts have somehow touched people's lives and helped people; that people weren't just "being nice" when they said they had. I first came online for the reason that many people first came to my site: I was looking for something. Through the progression of my thoughts, you'll see that I found what I was looking for not in the net, but in real life. Nothing really matters in the internet world. Life is what happens outside, in reality. The net is just a place to express reality in a simpler and more limited form. The people you know online are only net acquaintances until you know them in real life and really know them. In a blunt sense, a person constantly online isn't even really alive.

Let's say that there is this extreme scenario in which someone is completely bedridden or something like that and can't go out and interact with people. Maybe they're in some isolation room with some rare virus (I did say extreme) and people in white coats slip in food through little slots. Whatever the case, they find talking to people online who they could never really know in real life to be their only outlet; just a computer in an empty room. Now, obviously someone takes care of this person. Let's say a patient lady feeds him, cleans him, or whatever. Now, say this woman goes out and has a life and isn't always there. She's free, unlike the poor person who is trapped and unable to leave. If she talks to him and shares real life with him through human interaction, he is better off listening to her and will actually be closer to reality than talking to even a dozen or more people online. The online people will also be much better off, though they may also not know it. When someone stays online too much, they forget what reality is. They loose touch with reality, even when they think of the net as a connection. They become their own world, not the net. Even thought they are on the net all the time, any isolation is an isolation within one's self.

If you have friends in real life, talk to them and do things with together. If you have parents, talk to them. If you're afraid of your attractions, remember that God made you to be a person with free will, not a victim. If you have a wife, go be with her. If you have a son, talk to him. If you have a job and are going online constantly at work, go back to work and talk with your coworkers, even if one harasses you. If you drive people places, talk to your passengers about their lives. If you're stuck in a wheelchair attached to a computer, use the computer to talk to the people in real life around you. You get the point. Even if you can't be where you want to be at the moment, don't let that stop you from being. Even death doesn't have to stop life. The danger of the net is so strong because the real danger is within and anything less than reality isolates us and traps us within ourselves.

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