"If society doesn't get a grip right now - and even right now it's going to be difficult, they are definitely going to have the same rights that we have." (read article)
From X-Men:
JEAN GREY: "The mutations appear during puberty, and are often triggered during periods of high emotional stress."

SENATOR KELLY: "Three words: are mutants dangerous?"
JEAN GREY: "I'm afraid, that's an unfair question, Senator. After all, the wrong person behind the wheel of a car is dangerous."
KELLY: "Well, we license people to drive."
GREY: "Yes, but not to live. Senator, the records clearly show that mutants who have chosen to revealed themselves to the public have been widely regarded with fear and suspicion, even violence. It is because of this violence that I urge you all to vote against mutant registration."

KELLY: "I think the American people have a right to decide if they want to send their children to school with mutants. To be taught by mutants. Ladies and gentlemen, the truth is that mutants are very real and they are among us. We must know who they are, and most importantly, we must know what they can do!"

KELLY: "You know, this situation, these mutants... people like this Jean Grey... if it were up to me, I'd lock 'em all away. It's a war. That's the reason why people like me exist."

KELLY: "Do you hate normal people?"
STORM: "Sometimes."
KELLY: "Why?"

STORM: "I suppose... I'm afraid of them."

Mutant Registration Becomes Law
written June 25th, 2003
With the release of the second X-Men movie, X2, people have had a variety of opinions on what "mutants" represent in the movies. A few have proposed Arabs after September 11th, while many other have assumed, with the heavily "gay" cast and crew, mutants must represent homosexuals. However, even with director Brian Singer's attempt in the sequel to make the representation clear, he will have to be flat out obvious with his parallels in the third movie. Homosexuality seems likely, as the "mutations" most often "appear during puberty." However, the idea of locking all homosexuals away has not come up for several decades. It's the quote heard from the television in the background of the end of the first movie, right after the "Mutant Registration Act" is defeated, that clarifies what mutants really represent:
"Parent's rights groups are up in arms over the prospect of unregistered mutants in the school system." (Note "parent's rights" vs. "children's rights", which is what parental control groups call themselves currently.)
Mutant Registration is Sex Offender Registration (i.e.. "Megan's Law"). So, you ask, but doesn't the new bill proposed in the films force all mutants, even those who have committed no crimes, to register for tracking and monitoring? In a recent poll, Americans were asked, "Should the government notify the public of an adult attracted to young children who has never been convicted of a sex crime involving children?" The majority response was, "Yes, even if it means lie detectors, searches, interrogations and forced psychological analysis of everyone." Hysteria often blinds people to social injustices. In the UK, for example, they lock away and perform bazaar experiments on people even just suspected of being attracted to minors. "But the UK is insane," you may say. After all, they burn down people's houses over a misunderstanding of the word "pediatrician" or ban men from sitting near children on planes. However, here in the US, a man was sentenced to 300 years in prison for sucking boys' toes, not because of the (harmless) act itself, but because he might have enjoyed it (making him one of "them"). A man had to appeal a judge's ruling that banned him from visiting city parks after he confided to his psychologist that he was attracted to some of the children there and had inappropriate thoughts. The FBI admitted using the new powers granted by the infamous "Patriot Act" for more than just terrorism (even simply drug crimes). With people already being detained without charges or legal representation, the sequel, "Patriot Act 2: The Police State," raises even more potential for abuse. If reading a book on terrorism equates you to a terrorist and child-lovers are the greatest evil, you can easily see people registered for their attractions and thoughts (see the upcoming thought, "The Freedom To Think Dangerous Thoughts"). Just as in X-Men, there is no group of individuals more misunderstood, feared, and hated than child-lovers and teen-lovers, or "mutants".
MAGNETO: "Does it ever wake you up in the middle of the night, the thought that one day they will pass that foolish law or one just like it, and come for you and your children?"
But, surely children can't be child lovers? Where do you think we come from? As we see clearly in X2, children can be mutants, meaning that children can be "sex offenders" too. The older party in underage sex play is usually the one registered, unless it's a "repeat offender" or a group of children.
XAVIER (V.O.): "Anonymity is a mutant's first defense against the world's hostility." (Note that "Gay Rights" parades are far from "anonymous")
We love to label people as much as we love to lock them away. Brian Singer, Ian McKellen, and many of their closest friends know what it's like to be attracted to underage males, but they don't want to be labeled as "sex offenders". So, will the "Mutant Cause" or the call for "X-Men United" awaken people to an oppression that ever nears the fate of the Jews in World War II (they were registered first, then rounded up and then slaughtered)? Only if the next X-Men movie makes it perfectly obvious to a brainwashed culture. Perhaps in time people will see, as Xavier said in the first X-Men:
"We're not what you think. Not all of us."
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-"...charged all participants ten or older -- six in all -- on counts ranging from involuntary deviate sexual intercourse and indecent assault to [statutory] rape." (read more)
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-"Cities across the country have been quietly staging a revolt against the USA Patriot Act, saying it gives law enforcement too much power and threatens civil rights." (read more)

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