The Christian Liar
written January 13, 2003
We all lie now and again, even us Christians.The irony is that many Christians often lie more than their worldly piers. You see, kindness is something most every Christian strives for. Yet, "kindness" can be treachorous. When we don't want to hurt someone's feelings, we may "be gentle" or tell a "white lie". Still, a lie is a lie. Take this example:

"Do I look fat?" one person asks.
"No," the Christian replies. "Of course not."

Then, once the person has gone, the Christian turns to the others and says, "Did you see how fat she's gotten?" (I'll get to what people want to hear in the next thought) Now, ignoring for a moment the gosip that so many Christian women love to participate in, the "gentle" lies further enforce the perception that many people have of Christians. They see us as hypocrates. The problem is that they're right many times. We are just like them except for only difference: that we claim to be Christians. That's what makes us hypocrates.

All too often I've seen Christians criticize other people, whether to their face or behind their back. All the while, the Christian carries his or her head high, wanting others to live up to his or her life. This "Holier than thou" stuff really has to go. What about the evils of pride and the virtues of humility? It's no wonder why salvation is a back burner issue to so many people. Being a Christian doesn't appear to man anything special and being saved doesn't seem to change us. So, are really saved, or is that a "gentle" lie too?

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