Baby Boomers and Irresponsibility
written January 5, 2003
They make up most of today's writers. They both heavily influence and are the media. They make the rules and they shape the news. For all intents and purposes, Baby Boomers run American society. That's why, when we are told that there is a "problem with today's youth", we need not look at teenagers but at society's "adults".

Both the concept of teenage recklessness and teenage recklessness itself can be traced back to the 1960's, when the Baby Boomers founded the concept. Their parents were the parents of the fifties; the Ozzy and Hariets who made no mistakes. As Baby Boomers went through the turbulent sixties in their teen years, they practiced irresponsible drug use, sex, and everything else. All the while, they saw how responsible their parents were. Their irresponsibility must be for the simple reason that they were young. Or so they thought.

Before their generation, teenagers were young adults. The concept of "impulsive youth" had yet to be created. Yet, after the Baby Boomers are gone, the concept will go with them. Sure, there has been heavy indoctrination of the propaganda of childhood innocence and teenage recklessness, but in a couple generations (generation z), the cold, dead fingers of the Baby Boomers will have faded to dust right along with their hold on society.

My parents weren't teenagers until the 1970's and both my father's father and mother's father had an affair which led to divorce in that decade. They saw that their parents were human and, unlike teenage Baby Boomers, they saw all the irresponsible choices their parents made. Therefor, when my parents made bad decisions, they didn't blame those choices on their youth. You see, Baby Boomers, not teenagers, are the irresponsible generation. It's like Bill Clinton telling his daughter Chelsea that she's just an irresponsible little girl. It doesn't work.

The issue of doctor assisted suicide left with the Baby Boomer's parents. Baby Boomer's obsession with youth will make them go out kicking and screaming, but they'll still go out. Although the term elderly has been replaced with "mature adult", their heavy prescription drug use betrays them. These are not the recreational drugs of their youth. They are drugs for survival and no one lives forever on earth. So, the next time you hear someone spreading the propaganda of irresponsible youth, don't buy into it. Let the myth die and another generation will thank you.

Other thoughts on this topic:
The Infantilization of Teenagers
AOC 3: Responsibility and Accountability

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