My Projects

Marmo Logo.


I am leading a team of 3 developers on this project. Marmo is an expense sharing app where users can create groups and record transactions in those groups. Marmo seamlessly calculates who owes who, no matter how complicated the transactions get. It is a full-stack application made with Flask and Python in the backend. Transactions can be split in customized ways, such as by choosing to only include certain members of the group. Users can be members of multiple different groups, and the expenses will be tracked separately from group to group.
Technologies used:
  • Python
  • Flask
  • SQLAlchemy
  • Google Cloud
  • JavaScript
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Jinja
Image of the Solar System Simulation

Solar System Simulation

This is a simulation I created in Python using the module Pygame. It simulates Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars orbiting the sun using actual laws of physics and running off inputs of the planets' ACTUAL distances, masses, and velocities. The simulation then outputs the information into a not-to-scale video diagram. It shows how many days and years have passed in the simulation, so you can have a sense of how fast the simulation is running.
Technologies used:
  • Python
  • Pygame
Image of the flappy bird game with AI learning to beat it.

AI Learns To Play Flappy Bird

This is a machine learning project I built using the python module Neat. It is the flappy bird game with an AI that learns to play the game over a number of generations through "genetic learning." It was my first major machine learning project, and I had a ton of fun working on it! There are different things that can be tweaked, such as how many birds you want to spawn with each generation. It is fun to tweak with these settings and seeing how fast or slow it makes the learning process for the birds. Part of this project was recreating the flappy bird game, and trying to mimic the physics and features of the game.
Technologies used:
  • Python
  • Pygame
  • NEAT
A display image of yoda being turned into an ASCII image.

Image to ASCII converter

This is a program I wrote that inputs any JPG or PNG image and converts it into a TXT file consisting of a series of ASCII characters that resemble the original image. I built this project in Python using the OpenCV module. It works by scanning the photos pixel by pixel and determining the level of darkness for each pixel. Depending on how dark that pixel was, it will get assigned a character which will then be entered into the text file.
Technologies used:
  • Python
  • OpenCV