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Android App Development


Come Learn the mobile OS that is in fast adoption. Start from the basics of the Android architecture and learn what it take to make and app. Join a group to start developing an app.

Video Game Development

Video Games

Interested in Video Games, Come learn how to make one. Start by Choosing form one of many game engines available Unity, LibGDX, Unreal Enginee. Join a group already developing a game or start one of your own.

Ruby and Ruby on Rails

Ruby Logo

Ruby and Ruby on rails are the hot new programming language. For the beginners you can start with ruby, then after you can move on to learn Rails. Ruby on Rails is being use by many start-ups in sillcon valley, so learn what is needed to get an entry level possition.

LEGO Mindstorms

LEGO Mindstorms

Learn robotics with the LEGO Minstorm. The Club has several available for members to start creating their own projects. Furthermore, any club member or group can participate in the MESA robotics competition that is held in April.