dan raphael

[this was written early in 97 and is one of my current faves]

		danger      warning       love

when i put a multi-sided wedge into the soft spot at the top of my head
and someone wangs down on it with a heavy sledge
into how many pieces will i split, how many places
would i now be or in transition to
					           endangered knots:
a tree threaded with vines grown merged with an iron fence
stamped from lava like a waffle iron
or an almost metal manta-ray shotgunned with hundreds of white hot bees--
what that would sounds like at 85 miles per hour across nevada
pursued by lightning bolts mutated by decades of nuclear testing

a tornado in my solar plexus
					leave the radio off
why my door has two hinges on each side--
					  leverage     protection     professional ethics
             or can i just make something up without accessing past lifes, my place amidst
	         time release genetic commands wafting on the parametric updraft of this
         in disarray and stasis--  thin shafts of chaos occasionally bulging like after dinner

then to repeel an orange
like seamless wrapping paper
smoother than skin you cant change like clothes in a busy intersection
a new building with soft doors
venting an aroma array

you thump it so you know its ready to eat
by the scent you cant define pushing buttons
like the sound of choppers
between my legs, 
		     mountains i�ve not yet found
split to find the crystals
known by the dull gross outer, by where and how it was spawned
as if one well-placed hit
	 against something neither measured nor seen
would bring light
		   like a new universe
naming the things left behind with language
rolled tighter than parchment in the tube of a spine:
			  history is in the plumbing
   				 frozen in tree scabs
cause when there�s so many of you trying to dance in traffic
the cars get hungrier, the roads dry more quickly
as if there�s a difference tween hunting season and rush hour
we share the traffic-copter�s hallucinations,  the increasingly complex exhaust 
whetting appetites,    inverting lungs,    spinning the wheel
of random growth we probably wont be ready for:
i cant check the map when im driving since im already on the phone to someone�s voice
saying theyve gone beyond cellular
to a static positive charge
i can get thru this 800 number
surrendering my voice to credit�s choir 

peeling away an orchestra to find the vibrations
of a cello held against an unclad thigh, a basoon whose double reeds
lubricious in the post-coital spit of
a flock of vibrating lips confusing the sky so
an absence of weather spawns an absence of time
where hundreds of people forget their appointments
and dive into the mirrors of their wallets
containing their potential worth, unvisioned fantasies properly tended
and blossoming in a world that values the rich expression of
so many lives avoiding value, avoiding judgment,
						       just learning to hit my bodys personal
					           hold that tone til the air runs back thru my
	               and the speaker at the top of my skull,      the resonating lens generating
	     		 sweet-spots that void of amplitude that either makes some cliffside
		  or embraces in orgasm where thousands could pass out, an unintentional
			        we could become used to
	      when more sing       when more bodies join the circle of bone to light
  	     when the face in the sun is a catalogue of memory, myth and random teases
		across the scale of life byeond our mouths

beyond many mouths
a wan shadow my
fingers sealing with worthless coins
examined from every angle 
the complex stress/fate of a diamond/skull/planet

				gotta split      gonna get hammered
			        the new days old skin,     the chants of clogging follicles

there�s no spot soft enough,      no hammer
		 torn apart like a spring to hold us down
			   with pillows        with spring rolls� timed release
	     to reassemble at the core
				        to reassert
	     with no arms to
				eyes folded into triangles
			     like a strudel swallowing itself
			            beaten & folded & stretched,         beaten & folded &
				 we cover more with less calories
		we drape it all with neon pasty
		      never meant to cover,   to suggest something to reveal
		  like a mirror made of gravel, like an asphalt chakra
		         using potholes to escape, a blemish to slow me down
               a scab to pick on, the way the almost melted particles dance like Mayan tech
					   compressed,     waiting to unzip
									in a compatible format
	          too complex to trust
				      too many        with too much space between
		   void is being        matter is barely here
					   what no global positioning can tell me
 	as head is to nail,    nail is to polish,    to wax like a leg for a more easily developed
				using over and over
	      tacking gravity�s wind i point my toes to deny
	   i hold my hands like spheres to be omni-directional and concealing
        hands hard enough to hammer with        fingertip nerves sacrificed for utility
     what i will never feel,      what i cant hear my feet saying,
							 what can be split without revealing   
	     like water or air continuing to distribute,     unaffected by whats gone thru
	     as language changes so does genetic code
			    long roads leading to a single present
        mean something lost cannot be replaced without a complex journey
	to lands no longer connected,     lands recycled with magma and rain:
           the dna of the dead continues in the soil,      sometimes sticking in the lungs or the
				  like a world cultured from a sampling of tears:
			   tears of sadness,    joy,    irritation,    allergies,    despair
			        how wet and fertile some screams can be



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