~ Colourful Days ~
A Musical by Yishunites for Yishunites
of Yishunites



Since the school's founding in 1988,

there was yet to be team of drama performers for the SYF drama competition.

A bold step was taken in 1999 when the first batch of actors and actresses performed at the

Chinese High Auditorium prepared by Ms Kaur Jaswinder, Mr Wong Hong Weng

and assisted by Mr Lee Sue Young who provided the drumbeat.

Mr Ronan Moore and Ms Kaur Jaswinder worked on the script "Pressure",

which looked at the lighter side of teenage life in Singapore from the viewpoint of an expatriate.

The drama competition was intense and bearing in mind that they will be seting precedent,

they clinched a bronze award for their performance.

The minimalist drama heightened the acting ability of Yishun students.

It brought about a sense of euphoria tht Yishun was capable of greater performances

and thus the conception of "Colourful Days" in July 1999

with full support of Mr Soh Guan Ba, Principal and Ms Tahmbyah C, then Vice-Principal.



A first attempt at a Herculean task,

Dramaplus Arts was contracted to work on a script

that revolved around Yishun's achievements mainly th performing arts

and a performance with hints of rewads for hardwork and need for character building.

The ethnic dances, the choir and the band were subtlely interwoven

into the script to give it a total Yishun flavour.

The musical featured a group of students faced with pressure to "shine"

not only academically but also to put up with a world class concert

and also to meet the high standards of parental expectaions.

The Victoria Theatre provided the total aesthetic experience the school had hope

for the student body to experience.

The musical became a high bow affair when MP K Shanmugam, of the Sembawang GRC,

graciously endorsed the event with his presence.

The entire staff went to great lengths to ensure a smooth and successful performance

and to keep the Yishun flag flying high.

July 25th and 26th 2000 thus go down in Yishun Secondary's annuals

as the day the first ever musical was performed.....



