More silly pictures.
Here is a picture of poor Ahab before he molted and switched shells. Notice that he is missing his left two legs!
Here is a picture of Jasper, Gigantor (aka. Moby Dick), Ahab, Cancer, and Stumpy. They are the first five. You can see that our humble beginnings in keeping crabs has been left by the wayside. That is, this small plastic critter carrier has been replaced with the 30 gallon super crabitat that some of the crabs now call home.
Here is a pic of Jasper and Gigantor sizing each other up on their first day together.
And sometimes the crabs get to play in the tub. Remember, don't let them get into chlorinated water. Be sure to wipe down the tub floor first with a towel.

This picture also illustrates that crabs at the store aren't always in comfortable shells. Here you can see Miss Cleo and Sebastian in their original, pretty, brown/orange, wide mouth shells. They
switched out of these as soon as they saw another shell.
Here is Jasper showing off his leg for you.... You lookin' to hitch a ride there Jasper?
Jasper and Sebastian making a break for it during bath time. The rolled up towel edge doesn't make a very good security wall.
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