Below are a few photos and images of Colledimacine.

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Detail of the pastor's residence in Piazza Barbolani.  This building was apparently a fortified residence, as is noticed by the window battlements allowing weapons to be fired while remaining protected.
Ruins of the castle tower.  Very little remains of the castle which served to protect the inhabitants of Colledimacine.
Curto Vecchia.  A nearby landmark rock outcropping know in local culture as a executioner's rock.
A rare look into one of the two acqueducts that supply Colledimacine's water.  This acqueduct, located within Colledimacine's township, tunnels 50m into the side of a hill and supplies water to several towns.
The old churchbell hardware can still be seend where the Palazza Barbolani meets the Church.  The two rings just below the highest window held the bells.
These carved stones were found during renovation of a local residence.  They were part of the house's stone walls.
San Mariano, Patron Saint of Colledimacine
Window of the clocktower in Piazza Barbolani

Images of Colledimacine: Today

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