Black River Harbor's Waterfalls, Ottawa National Forest, UP.MI
There are five waterfalls:  Rainbow Falls, Sandstone Falls, Gorge Falls, Potowatomi Falls, and Great Conglomerate Falls.

Rainbow Falls is hard to photograph from the side of the river I have always been on. There is a trail to the opposite side, but I have yet to try it.
This picture above is zoomed in at Sandstone Falls. These pictures were taken at very low water during the Autumn of 2003.

The picture to the right is a very nice picture of Sandstone Falls. Beneath where the photographer stands... there are lesser cascades which continue downstream for several hundred feet.
Gorge Falls also is a little more difficult to get a compete photograph of.  It is very beautiful will the rock walls surrounding you.
This is Potowatomi Falls, again at a time when there is low water.
And finally is Great Congolomerate Falls. It is actually a very large rock facade, but the eastern-most section is the where the water was currently flowing.
This is half of the bridge that connects one side of the harbor to the other over the Black River very close to the mouth of the river.
(for other pictures of the harbor at Black River... check out "southern shore of Lake Superior")
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