Dear Mr. Gates:







Date:  Wed, 10 October 2007  10:33 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  8 + 6 = 14 th Year In a Row At Forbes Top List





Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates is seen in Cuzco, Peru in this June 24, 2007 file photo. Gates is the richest person in America for the 14th year in a row, followed by investor Warren Buffett, according to Forbes magazine's latest list of the wealthiest Americans.


Reuters - Thu Sep 20, 8:55 PM ET


Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates, right, hands over an autographed copy of Halo 3 to the first customer Ritesh David, 17, of Bellevue, Wash., at the midnight release of Halo 3 for the Microsoft Corp. Xbox 360 at the Best Buy store in Bellevue, Wash., on Tuesday September 25, 2007. Hundreds of fans came out to buy the game just after midnight.

(AP Photo/Marcus R. Donner)

AP - Tue Sep 25, 4:15 AM ET




After some speculations that Mr. Carlos Slim Helu would take the fist position in this year top billionaires in the world, especially following the Fortune magazine list like mentioned in my previous letter "Mr. Carlos Slim Between Fortune and Forbes", finally Forbes released the list for this year, and you are still in the top position, followed by Mr. Warren Buffett and Mr. Carlos Slim Helu.


Among the recent photos of you at Yahoo News Photos, the caption related with this Forbes list mentioned: "............Gates is the richest person in America for the 14 th year in a row......."  

Meaning that it was 14 years ago when you first began to reach the top position of world billionaires, or in 1993, a few years after my work at American Express in 1989 with the boss named Bill, just like your first name.

And it was along with other significant moments in world history, like I mentioned before:

When I was accepted to work at the American Express in 1989, along with me was a young man whose name was Tony Utomo. He accompanied me since the day of the final interview until the first day of the work, and in most of the working days there. The boss at American Express Indonesia at that moment was Mr. William G. Mould, or he used to tell the employees to just call him "Bill".

It was followed by Bill Clinton won the election in 1992 to become one of the successful American Presidents, and Tony Blair won the election in 1997 to become one of the successful British Prime Minister.

Some other historical moments also took place after my work at the American Express from April to September 1989.

East German government announced on November 9, 1989, after several weeks of civil unrest, that entering West Berlin would be permitted, and it marked the tumbling of the famous Berlin Wall.

On December 8, 1991, the presidents of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus signed the Belavezha Accords which declared the Soviet Union dissolved and established the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) in its place, marked the end of the Soviet Union  as one of the two superpower countries in the world. Resulting in the United States as the only superpower country in the world.

And the tumbling down of other communist countries in the East Europe also took place.


Now it makes me wonder, what kind of exhortation for me from God behind this fabulous achievement of you, related with my existence in this world. To be sure of, it has nothing to do with politics because I have mentioned in my previous letters that I have no interest to enter politics.

Does that mean that God wants me to do some important things with you for the good of this world? May God help me with this unusual kind of duty. 















Date:  Wed, 10 October 2007  11:12 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  A Plan to Live Normal, and the Cat Died





Three days from now the fasting month would end. I have an important story in the fasting month of last year that I have never wrote, related with the cats in the house where I live.

Those two cats have been mentioned in my previous letter of "Death of the Second Cat", like follows:

The first cat appeared around early 2004. One night there was a sound of a kitten screaming along the night from the front of the house. In the morning my niece took a closer look to the kitten and decided to take it as a pet in the house. Its color is white with some dark yellow spots, and short tail. My niece named him "Minyong". A few months later it grew to be an adult cat.

The second cat appeared around early 2005, similar thing happened again, the sound of a kitten screaming all night. Again, in the morning my niece took a closer look to the kitten and decided to take it as a second pet in the house. Its color was white and some gray spots, with long tail. My niece named him "Miyu" yet I prefer to call him "Ndut", because of his rather fat body. A few months later it grew to be an adult cat. 

When he had grown to be an adult cat, it was clear that there was some strong differences between "Ndut" and other cats around the house. Because "Ndut" had longer hair in some part of his body, like in the tail, in the legs, and in the bottom of the body and the neck. Several months later I found out from a book about cat given for free by the Kompas newspaper, that it could be the semi long hair cat, "Maine Coon" cat from North America, or at least he was the breed of such cat.


What I have never mentioned was related with my planning to do something after the fasting month over.

A few hours before the second cat died on 4 October 2006, I was on the way to the grave to get the prolong of my mother's grave license permit. When the bus I was riding reached the front of Cinere Mall, a thought came to my mind about a plan, to have lunch at Mc Donald after the fasting month over. It has become accustom for the people here to celebrate the big day after fasting month over by eating something unusual, either in the house or in the restaurant. And for me, having lunch at McDonald is something unusual, because I rarely did it.

After prolonging the permit in the grave, on the way back home I was making another plan, when the bus was at Darmawangsa Street approaching Antasari Street. The plan was to live a normal way. I have been living in the house of my sister for more than five years, and getting financial support from my brother and my sister for more than ten years. I thought it must stop, the consent to move to the eternity was just nonsense, I had to live normally

More than an hour later when I had reached home again, a stunning news came from the gardener. One of the cats had died, the driver unintentionally drove over it. It struck my brain, because it was after I planned to do something after the fasting month, and to live normal. As if such a plan had become a wish to live longer and switched my death destiny with the cat.

It became worse because of an analogy in my mind that those two cats were like representing Paris Hilton and Jenna Bush, and the one that died was the cat representing Jenna Bush, like mentioned in my letter of "Analogy of the Cats With Paris Jenna".       


At first I was in vacillation to write this, because it would seem like too naive to have such analogy connected with the plan of living normally. Especially since the other cat, representing Paris Hilton, began to disappear from the house since early July 2007. I thought there must be a strong reason to write about it here, at least some kind of sign from above.

It appeared that the sign did come. On August 22, 2007, the lost cat representing Paris Hilton all of a sudden came to the house. And as if to make sure it would not raise accusation that I was just having a hallucination, it was witnessed by the gardener and the maid who also saw that lost cat appeared again. Although only for around 15 minutes, and after having some food and a rest, it disappeared again.     















A.M. Firmansyah

[email protected]

Tel. +62812 183 1538










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