Dear Mr. Gates:







Date:  Thu, 23 August 2007  10:28 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  TPI and TV3 Reminders of the Disaster in Solomon Era




This morning around a quarter to five at Indonesian TV channel TPI there was the video mad by Malaysian TV3 about the remnants of King Solomon era in Yemen. It was like to remind me of my previous letter "Changing Track to Solomon Path of Destiny", that there was also a huge disaster during the Solomon era. In which the people of Sheba were showing their rebellion against Solomon, they became unbelievers, and it was followed by a heavy flood that swept their country.

I thank TPI and TV3 for such a reminder.

Actually my next letter of "Solomon's Path with No Political Part" has the essential of my not taking the whole package of Solomon's part of destiny. Partly because I am not a prophet, therefore I will not be allowed to take the whole package of Solomon's path of destiny by myself.

Moreover, since I am not a prophet, therefore I have no certain obligations to accomplish. My wish to get Solomon Path of Destiny will be only regarding the test on my self of becoming wealthy, the kind of test that I wrote in my letter of "A Test of Getting Wealthy".

Because if I died in my present situation, some people might say: "Of course he has the consent to move to the eternity, because he is a poor man, he still lives with the financial support of his sister and brother in his 49 years old age. What if he owned much money, for example US $ 2 million, would he still have the consent to move to the eternity for the good of this world?"

If such a test is considered worthy, for the good of this world, I will take it, or maybe I should take it. And I think it is a fair test, otherwise people would think that it is unfair for me to move to the eternity without tasting the temptations of being a wealthy man.

Since the opening of this "Closing the Windows of Disaster", I have explained about my concern of being uncomfortable for becoming a bait of disaster. Rather than becoming a bait that trigger disaster, I will prefer to get the test of getting wealthy.

May God help me with this.    















A.M. Firmansyah

[email protected]

Tel. +62812 183 1538










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