

Dear Mr. Gates:







Date:  Wed, 28 June 2006   11:04 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  Mr. Warren Buffet's Donation Through Your Foundation





Warren Buffet is shown gestuuring at a meeting in New York, in this February 25, 2004 file photo. Buffett on Sunday said he would make annual stock donations to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The first year's gift of 500,000 shares would be worth more than $1.5 billion.

Reuters - Jun 25 1:43 PM





In this photo provided by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Melinda French Gates, center, and Bill Gates , right, watch as Warren Buffett signs pledge letters, Monday, June 26, 2006, at the New York Public Library.

(AP Photo/Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Diane Bondareff)
AP - Jun 26 10:34 AM


In this photo provided by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Warren Buffett , left, Melinda French Gates and Bill Gates stand together, Sunday, June 25, 2006, in New York, shortly after Buffett's announcement that he would be starting to make an annual donation of about $1.5 billion to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

(AP Photo/Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Diane Bondareff)
AP - Jun 25 4:36 PM




Bill Gates, left, Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett speak during a press conference Monday, June 26, 2006 in New York. Buffett, the chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, recently announced his intention of giving 10 million shares of his company to charitable organizations, the majority going to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

(AP Photo/Seth Wenig)
AP - Jun 26 12:45 PM





Microsoft co-founder and chairman Bill Gates (L) and Melinda Gates (C) listen as US investment guru Warren Buffett (R) Buffett, the world's second richest man, announced plans to give away an estimated 85 percent of his estimated 44-billion-dollar wealth to charity. Most of the donations will go to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

(AFP/Nicholas Roberts)
AFP - Jun 26 4:20 PM


Microsoft co-founder and chairman Bill Gates (L) answers questions during a news conference on 26 June 2006 in New York with wife Melinda Gates(C) and US investment guru Warren Buffett . Buffett handed over a written promise to give the bulk of his 44 billion dollar fortune to the Gates' charity foundation, who said it would step up efforts to find an AIDS vaccine.(AFP/File/Nicholas Roberts)
AFP/File - Jun 27 6:40 AM



After uploading the previous first letter, actually I have prepared to write some other letters here.

Yet there was an interesting development when I saw the news at CNN and Fox News, about Mr. Warren Buffett the world's second richest man  to make significant amount of donation through your foundation.

Besides I was also waiting if you might want to give your response for my beginning these letters to you. And the response appeared yesterday at CNN news whereas you made a press conference along with your wife and Mr. Warren Buffett on Monday, June 26, 2006 in New York, at a stage with dominant color of blue surrounding you, just like the blue color around  this letter.






Date:  Wed, 28 June 2006   12:00 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  The Delay of Windows Vista and My Old Friend Wista



Don Lionetti demonstrates Windows Vista in this July 2005 photo. Microsoft said it released a public trial version of Vista, the newest version of its ubiquitous Windows operating set for a full rollout in January.

AFP/Microsoft-HO/File - Jun 08 3:06 PM


Bill Gates stands in front of the logo for the Microsoft operating system Vista during his keynote address at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas in this January 4, 2006 file photo. Microsoft Corp. unveiled plans on Sunday to work with hardware manufacturers to deliver on the company's ambitions to use its software to simplify how workers communicate with one another.

(Rick Wilking/Reuters)
Reuters - Jun 26 3:18 AM



When there was an announcement of the delay of Windows Vista release, previously planned to launch on the second half of 2006 yet delayed until January 2007, a feeling of guilty came to my mind. Because the announcement appeared after I wrote to Paris Hilton about my worry of becoming "The Bait that Triggers Disaster", in my letter of March 11, 2006.

Maybe it would be better if I explain to you here about this.

In the Senior High School among my other friends, I have a friend whose name is Wista, she looked a little bit like Lady Diana when Lady Diana was still young. One day Wista mentioned a strange words to me, saying that I was handsome. It was strange because I rarely heard a girl saying it to me. Yet it later on made me realized that she could be in need of a match, and I should help her get one. Nevertheless I have no idea how I could help her get her match.

A few months later my friend Reno started to approach her, and since then they become closer one another and after graduated from the university they married and living happily. It made me feel guilty because actually I should have done the efforts to help find her match that could later on match them, for example by telling my friends that she was in need to get her match. Yet I failed to do that because I was still having no idea whom I should match her with, until later on they match without my help.

So now with this letter I hope to make a wish that Windows Vista would launch smoothly as scheduled, and I would dedicate it to my friends Reno and Wista.    








Date:  Wed, 28 June 2006   12:18 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  Theo's Lesson of Love




Paris Hilton and Colorado Avalanche goalie Jose Theodore were spotted Sunday night, June 18, 2006 at a party in Toronto. Some Canadian newspapers are abuzz with stories and photos of the hookup between the NHL goalie and the heiress model.

(AP Photo/CP - eTalk )
AP - Jun 21 10:37 AM


U.S. socialite Paris Hilton watches Pharrell perform at the O2 Wireless Festival in Hyde Park, London on June 23, 2006. The festival runs until June 25.

Reuters - Jun 23 10:59 AM




Recently there was the news about Paris Hilton with Jose Theodore with a photo like kissing each other. It reminds me with my friend Theo when I was living in Sukabumi street around 1982. Theo has a Jewish mother, while his father was from Gorontalo, Sulawesi, and also has a Madurese blood like me.

One day when I was close to my neighbor Nita, Theo spent a time to teach me about how to kiss a girl. Among which was to use a handkerchief and treated it as a tool to kiss the girl by playing the handkerchief.

The next day Nita in the evening Nita accepted my visit holding a handkerchief. But I did nothing with her, not a single kiss, because I was still afraid to do that. maybe that was the reason why later on Nita chose someone else to become her boy friend.   

So what about Paris Hilton, is she serious with Jose Theo or they just wanted to teach me about love because previously I have proposed her through the Internet, I still have no idea. Therefore I prefer to write to you, unless they tell me exactly about it.








Date:  Wed, 28 June 2006   12:42 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  Rumors of Superman Gay and This Site




Actor Brandon Routh, star of the new film 'Superman Returns' is shown in this undated publicity photograph. After weeks of Internet buzzing that the new Superman movie portrays the Man of Steel as gay, the director of the film issued a strong denial on Friday and said it was the most heterosexual character he has filmed. REUTERS/Warner Bros./Handout
Reuters - Jun 09 7:34 PM


Brandon Routh, star of 'Superman Returns,' right, and his girlfriend Courtney Ford pose for a picture with a wax figure of Routh at Madame Tussauds, Tuesday, June 27, 2006 in New York. 'Superman Returns' opens Wednesday,June 28, 2006.

(AP Photo/Seth Wenig)
AP - Jun 27 10:03 AM





Actually there is a danger of my switching of writing to Paris Hilton to writing to you, because it could become a reason to accuse me of nothing but a gay.

And in fact, in the evening after I posted my first letter to you, there was a moment at Fox and Friends when Steve Doocey held a magazine "Advocate" with a cover of new Superman movie, and he explained an article inside it about Brandon Routh the new Superman could be a gay. Of course it was just a rumor, that later on denied in the interview on Larry King Live at CNN with Superman director Brian Singer and Superman casts Brandon Routh and Kevin Spacey.

Just for your information, when I develop this homepage at Yahoo Geocities, in the Challenge Question part my secret answer was Superman. I did it in an Internet shop, so maybe someone else read that name Superman and inspired the rumor about Superman gay in Fox and Friends.

But I am straight, to be sure of.      











A.M. Firmansyah

[email protected]

Tel. +62812 183 1538










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