Synapse --- The Only.



Welcome to my web site! Have a great jouney ahead. Thank You!


Your Browser Dont support this .. So .. Forget it ..I'm Synapse. Here I provide you an exciting and unusual trip to who I am, who I was and what I want to be. This trip aren't for the novice or the faint-hearted. If you have the stamina, the curiosity and the desire to know about me, what others only can dream off, a trip to Synapse will give you enough memories and a table full of thoughts to last a long time!

I read in a book that man lives, at least, in two worlds. He lives in the world with in him: the world of his emotions, thoughts and creeds. Then he lives in the world of human beings: the world that is as much part of him as the world within him.

In this site I tried to explore both of my worlds. In this process I, too, learned many things about myself. Hope you enjoy the journey to Synapse as much as I enjoy making it.

I'm in constant search for new Ideas, and in response to your suggestions, will continually endeavor to come up with the innovative versions of the site, the viewers have come to expect. Remember your complaints are as precious to me as your praise.

This site is dedicated to all the fine and adoring people I met from the cyber world. In this way, I thank them all for being such great part of my life and giving me a meaning to live. Thank You, Mark, Tony, Andy And All The Other Wonderful People, I Will Always Love You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.............


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