The A-Team Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Where is "The A-Team" airing today?

As you can appreciate Syndication schedules tend to change very frequently and unpredictably. Usually a station buys the rights to air a given program for a fixed number of times in a fixed time period. When that time is up, they have to renew the rights to air the show again, so I would suggest that you check some of the online TV guide listing sites to find out if its currently airring in your country.

Here in the United Kingdom, the show has been on-air almost continuously in some form (ITV network, ITV regional re-runs, satellite) since it was first shown in July 1983 and is currently airing on Bravo who acquired the rights to broadcast all 98 episodes of The show in April 2008. The channel will air five series of the cult classic during the daytime starting in May (2008) Dave Clarke, controller of the Virgin Media Television owned channel, said: "The A-Team is the daddy of '80s action series and with a Hollywood movie in the pipeline for '09 it's a great time to welcome the boys back to Bravo."

UK: Currently airring on Bravo.

If the tought of watching the A-Team on the goggle box is just to old fashioned for you then why not watch it online because as of February 2008, NBC has begun posting the first season of The A-Team online for free with the option to download (pay for download). Netflix also have most episodes from seasons 1-5 available for instant viewing. The first three seasons are also available for free viewing to US users only on

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