The A-Team Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Who were the Military Police?

During their adventures, the A-Team where constantly met by opposition from the military police. In the show's first season they were led by Colonel Lynch, but he was replaced for the second, third and earlier fourth season by Colonel Roderick Decker and aided by his sidekick Captain Crane. Lynch then returned for one more episode in the show's third season episode "Showdown!" but was not seen of again.

Decker was also shortly replaced by Colonel Briggs (Charles Napier) in the third season episode "Fire" due to Lance LeGault being unavailable for the episode, but returned shortly after making his last appearance in fifth season episode "Trial by Fire", when he's called to testify against the A-Team in the trial for the murder of their commanding officer, Col Samuel Morrison.

In the fourth season the team where hunted by a new MP General Harlan "Bull" Fullbright (Jack Ging), who would later hire the A-Team to find his half-Vietnamese daughter (Tia Carrere) in the season four finale "The Sound of Thunder" (4-23, 13th May 1986), during which Fullbright is killed.

Colonel Lynch: Played by William Lucking (1983-84). Lynch was the first MP to pursue the A-Team after they broke out of "Fort Bragg" which was under his command. He seemed to have a knack at costing the army a great deal of expenses in his bungled attempts to catch the team making only one successful arrest in the first season episode "One More Time" (12th Apr 1983), where the team are the released by a higher body.

Lynch is soon replaced, but the army appear to give him a second chance in the third season episode "Showdown!" airing on the 20th November 1984, this is to be his final appearance in the show.

Colonel Roderick Decker: Played by Lance LeGault (1983-86). Making his first appearance in the second season episode "When You Comin' Back, Range Rider? (Part 1)" (25th October 1983), Decker was brought in by the army as a replacement for Colonel Lynch (William Lucking) who had not only failed in the capture of the A-Team, but in doing so had cost the army alot of money in the damages.

Decker, took his orders with great enthusiasm showing a certain degree of bad taste towards the team, especially Hannibal who he'd had previous runnings with at DaNang Officers Open Mess Club during Vietnam. He managed to trap the team successfully on many occasions with his biggest triumph in the episode "There's Always A Catch" (15th Nov 1983), where he has them securely looked in a shipping container under armed guard, only to be outwitted by the remaining team members plans.

Decker make's his last appearance in fifth season episode "Trial by Fire", when he's called to testify against the A-Team in the trial for the murder of their commanding officer, Col Samuel Morrison.

Captain Crane: Played by Carl Franklin (1983-86). Making his first appearance in the second season episode "When You Comin' Back, Range Rider? (Part 1)" (25th October 1983), Crane was Colonel Decker's side kick and second in command. Unfortunatly for Carl Franklin his characther did'nt get much to say but he was always on hand to asset Decker in the capture of the A-Team.

General Harlan "Bull" Fulbright: Played by Jack Ging (1985, Season 4). Fulbright was the last MP to pursue the A-Team taking over from Colonel Decker in the fourth season episode "Mind Games" (4-09, 26th Nov 1985) and was possibly one of the most disliked A-Team pursuers with a strong belief that He would succeed where others had failed in getting The A-Team locked up and behind bars perhaps this had somthing to do with his friendship with Col. Steve Morrison, the Team's commanding officer in Vietnam who order them to steal the hundred million yen from the Bank of Hanoi but was killed in one of the last shellings.

In his and the season final episode "The Sound of Thunder" (4-23, 13th May 1986) Fulbright uses the needy girl-trick once too often, and is captured by the team, but for once he was looking for them as a prospective client, claiming that he wants them to go to Vietnam and free a POW colonel, a personal friend they presumed killed in action, who might be able to prove the A-Team's innocent. Once there, he comes clean and that he hed recently learn't he has a half-Vietnamese daughter (Tia Carrere) and wants the A-Team to help bring her home.

After the rescue Fulbright was convinced and admitted to The A-Team that they were wrongly accused and shouldn�t be fugitives as they were willing to help him at any cost despite their being criminals on the run from him. Unfortunately He was shot during the rescue of his daughter and died.

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