The A-Team Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why & how did the show end?

Its belived that the show was cancelled due to a lack of ratings because most viewers could not accept the Team working for General Hunt Stockwell, "The Theory of Revolution" airing on 24th October 1986 reached only a high of 39th place possably caused by the shows storylines migrating from action/adventure parody to much more serious plots based upon the results conducted form market research on the show. New characters were added using fresh new 'sex symbol' actors, but it just did'nt work and with a unsupported rumor that sponsorship by GMC ceased due to the production studios deliberate attempts to disguise/remove the GMC badges, the show came to an on the 8th March 1987 just 12 episodes into season five.

With the final episode "Without Reservations", Murdouck can be seen wearing a T-Shirt saying "Almost Fini", in "The Grey Team" (30th Dec 1986) his shirt reads "Fini" which leads us to belive that the last two episodes where in fact supposed to air in the opposite order this can also backed up by some of the closing dialog where the team are dicussing what they will do if they get their pardons:

Hannibal: Chasing thugs through the park. Its got a nice ring to it, doesn't it?
Face: Has a terrible ring to it.
Murdock: Just think, if we get a pardon, we may never have to eat a knuckle sandwich again.
B.A.: I wouldn't bet on it, Crazy Man. Looks like Hannibal's on the Jazz again.
Face: What?, What?
Murdock: No, no, no. Now you tell me, right to my face. You tell me that you don't have a plan.
Hannibal: Well, I, I was thinking, like Bernie and George. What are we gonna do when this thing's over? I mean, what are we really qualified to do?
Face: Go after thugs in the park.
Hannibal: And outlaw motorcycle gangs, organized crime figures. Why, there's a world of slime balls out there.
Murdock: I knew it. I just knew you had a plan.
Hannibal: Comforting, isn't it?
B.A.: I'll get the van.

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