The A-Team Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What was the Story Behind The A-Team?

The A-Team 'A' meaning Alpha told the story of four Vietnam veterans, Colonel John "Hannibal" Smith played by George Peppard, Lieutenant Templeton "Faceman" Peck played by Dirk Benedict, Captain H.M "Howling Mad" Murdock played by Dwight Shultz and Sergeant Bosco "B.A." (Bad Attitude) Baracas played Mr. T. After acting upon orders from a Colonel Morrison the A-Team stole a hundred million yen from the Bank of Hanoi four days after the Vietnam war ended. Morrison, who took a round in one of the last shellings and with his headquarters burnt to the ground meant that there were no records of the mission found.

The team get court marshalled by the Army and sent to "Fort Bragg" a maximum security prison run by Colonel Lynch (William Lucking), but before the case goes to trial they escape over the wall 'to the Los Angeles underground' continuously persuade by Lynch, who now has a personal grudge against them 'they survive as soldiers of fortune'. There ill luck clients where usally only ever charge a nominal fee to cover expenses or in some cases their services would be free of charge.

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