New Testaments: Secret of Mana Characters
Here you will learn about the main characters of New Testaments: Secret of Mana, including the protagonists and antagonists.
Background: Claude is the only son of two of the wealthiest people in Gold City. They are stuck up, all about the "finest" things in life, and disapprove of people that don't live in Gold City and their ways of life (like most people in Gold City). Claude on the other hand, wants to get off the island and adventure throughout the world, coming across as many people and cultures as he can. He secretly purchased a sword from the weapon and armor shop nearly a year ago and has been teaching himself how to use it ever since. He promised himself that he would leave Gold City one day, but what he didn't realize was that his promise would be fulfilled sooner than he thought...

Hobbies: Fencing, keeping himself active, learning about other cultures, adventuring.

Claude is generally a likable guy, and quick to make friends. He's active and energetic, and can be curious at times too. But he has a bad habit of jumping into things too quickly, sometimes without any thought of it at all, normally when he's angry. One thing he can't stand is prejudice attitudes and discrimination, aswell as your typical "Holier than thou" attitudes. Unfortunately, his parents are like this. He will detest and crack down on things that are wrong and unjust, but not as harshly as certain companions.
Background: When Dae was three years old, Luka appeared in her parent's house and appointed Dae as her apprentice. A year after the legendary hero defeated evil, Luka decided that it was time to train her. Dae has been living with Luka ever since, and has had the knowledge of the Water Sage passed down to her. She continues to train under Luka for that fateful day when she becomes a Sage and takes over the Water Palace.

Hobbies: Singing, practicing with magic and improving any of her other skills.

Personality: Being that she had no childhood and has been around just Luka and her own family most of her life, it takes awhile for Dae to warm up to people and she can be shy. Once she does warm up to that person, she is very nice and caring. However, she is quick to crack down on what she believes is wrong or unjust. She's very knowledgable about the world, but doesn't have the wisdom to use that knowledge properly. She likes to flaunt her knowledge aswell when around people that have less experience with the subject.
Background: Terran lived in a hidden village in the forest near Pandora 10 years ago. During the time of the first crisis with the Mana Knight, goblins invaded the village and slaughtered everyone, including Terran's mother, who made him flee during the assault. He wandered through the wilderness for days, until stumbling across a generous family in Pandora. He didn't stay with them long and ventured out into the wilderness again, finally collapsing in Gaia's Navel. Dwarves discovered the young boy and after having their underground village unusually quiet with the absence of Popoi, they decided to take him in. He's been living with them ever since.

Hobbies: Staying far, far away from werewolves, staying even farther away from Kuponia, blacksmithing (when he can)

He appears to be a toughguy at first glance, but he's actually kinda sensitive. He's certainly not the most courageous of the bunch, but he will support his friends through anything...unless you mention a werewolf. Otherwise he's very helpful and offers his assistance to anyone that needs it. He's also pretty gullible.
Brief info: Born in Kakkara desert, a little bit outside of village. Villagers  and family usually indifferent to each other. He didn�t know of many others like  himself so he grew up with little friends. His parents were very protective of  him. They didn�t want him to get involved with the humans. Heard stories when he  was young about heroes, some even different like himself, coming together to  battle evil. The few people he�s talked to all had led interesting lives,  adventuring, sight seeing, traveling the world, and he had always been kept in a  protective bubble at home. The only thing he did that even came close the  stories he�d heard was fighting with his friends. His parents looked down on  fighting, but he became good at it quickly. He also didn�t see his friends very  often and when he did, they always played rough. When they visited they would  make games out of who could go the longest without giving up.
It started out as pretend games, playing the parts of heroes and villains, then  later just became tests of skill. When he began getting older, his parents  became a little more lenient, but it could also have been because he saw his  friends less and less often. His parents told him they had all grown up and went  to live on their own, but from what he had heard, they had all gotten involved  in some sort of adventures of their own. He kept this from his parents but  secretly plotted to do something to join them. Keeping his ambitions to himself,  he continually gave his parents the impression that he would grow up to be a  cautious creature as well. Soon, the time came for him to leave home and start  his own family. The second he left though, he went off in search of adventure  and interesting people.

He was brought up to be shy and cautious but his parents couldn�t  stop his fox�s curiosity. Because of his little exposure, he is fascinated by  many things. He is very curious around other people, especially humans and  sometimes very energetic when trying to make friends. He is somewhat na�ve and  gullible, not having much real life exposure but it takes a lot to get him down.

Hobbies: Likes to fight, wrestle, grapple, spar for fun. Likes stories of  heroics and anything related to adventure. He also enjoys animals and nature.
Age: ??
Homeland: Moogle village, Upperlands
Weapon: Claws
Element(al): Wind (Sylphid)
Appearance: She is an adult moogle, which comes up to about the waist of an  average adult human in size. She looks like just about every moogle, but she has  pink chest fur and wings.

Background: Kuponia's son and mate were slaughtered outside of the village as  monsters began to reappear with the slow return of Mana. She had been depressed ever since, removing herself from most of the moogle activities, and ignoring an especially mysterious call she felt from the wind. She moped around the village most of the time, torn between mourning her loses and wanting revenge on the monster that did it but being only a mere moogle, she would need help...and that help came in the form of strangers that entered the village.

Hobbies: Torturing Terran in many forms.

Because she was once a mother, she has a caring attitude but can be  vicious when the time calls. She appears to be cute to others, which she only  hates when she's angry. She also seems to get twisted pleasure out of torturing  Terran.
Claude Aurgario (Niko's interpretation)
Claude Augario
Age: 16
Weapon: Sword
Element(al): Light (Lumina)
Homeland: Gold City
Appearance: Claude has dark brown somewhat spiked hair, much darker than his brown skin, and a blue headband. Two of the spikes reach down to each eyebrow. His eyes are brown, he wears a short-sleeved, stitched blue vest. He wears blue wristbands, and baggy red pants. He also wears blue boots.
Dae Ripple (Niko's Interpretation)
Dae Ripple
Age: 15
Weapon: Bow and Arrow
Element(al): Water (Undine)
Homeland: Pandora, Lowerlands
Appearance: She normally has her cerulean hair tied back, which splits into 3 seperate pony tails. She has blue eyes and she mostly wears a green robe over her battle clothing. Her battle clothing consists of a pair of tight fitting shorts which end about a third of the way down her thigh, similar to modern women's athletic shorts. On top, she wears a bra of similar appearance, also much like a modern woman's sports bra. Both are green, like her robe.
Terran Cleffton
Age: 20
Weapon: Spear
Element(al): Earth (Gnome)
Homeland: Hidden village, Lowerlands
Appearance: He stands at 6"2 and has a bit of a muscular build. Has ruffled brown hair, and wears a sleeveless light brown vest. Also wears blue pants and brown shoes, aswells as black gloves where the fabric ends at the edge of his knuckles.
Terran Cleffton (Niko's Interpretation)
Niko Brandfaust
Niko Brandfaust
Age: 17
Weapon: Gloves (hand to hand)
Element(al): Fire (Salamando)
Place of Residence: Born in Kakkara Desert. Lives near woods in lower lands.
Appearance: Tattered brown shirt and green pants, short somewhat spiked hair,  simple rope belt, cut finger gloves.
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