Allegro Acres

Pasture care for your equine friend.

What is pasture care?
At Allegro Acres we specialize in pasture care for retired, young, and resting horses.  This worry free program is designed to keep your horse healthy and happy in a safe, natural environment.  I strictly limit the number of horses so that there is always grazing available.  In addition, the horses are fed twice a day, a mix of grass and alfalfa hay supplemented with Elk Grove's Stable Mix and rice bran as needed.  I always keep a sharp eye on their weight and condition, so they always get as much as they need.

Care involves more then just feedings.  Blankets are put on and taken off as needed, flyspray is applied daily, any wounds or sores though rare are cleaned and treated.  Even regular deworming is included.   A weekly grooming is not only thoroughly enjoyed, it is also a great time to get to know them that extra bit that can make such a difference. 

The pasture is 3 1/2 acres, and is divided to accomodate up to two mares on one side and up to four geldings on the other.  I also have the flexibilty to create a smaller layup paddock, for those horses that for health reasons need to be confined to a smaller area.  The emphasis here is on service, so I am always flexible and can work with you on whatever your horse needs.


Allegro Acres is located in the Milpitas foothills, about 3 miles from Ed Levin Park.

Pasture Care for retired horses is $400/month which includes feeding, flyspray, fly masks, meet farrier/vet, weekly grooming, daily care, blanketing, and deworming.

Facilities Info Fun Stuff Sales
(408)314-9756 or email [email protected]
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