Augsburg College in Minneapolis, MN has always had a rich sense of community, but leave it to Augsem-F, a group of freshman students from all over the world, to become shining examples of Augsburg's commitment to it's surroundings by joining forces with Campus Kitchens, a non-profit organization aimed at helping those less fortunate in the area.

Strengthen Bodies by partnering energetic college students with university resources to provide meals and companionship to community members.

Empower Minds by providing skills-based training to unemployed men and women in the community and leadership opportunities to students.

Build Communities by developing lasting, student-powered service programs that make a difference in the community.

History 101 examines the history of the primary civilizations of the ancient Near East, Classical Greece and Rome, and the European Middle Ages into the 13th century.
At the heart of the core is the theme of vocation, and a two-course sequence probing the human search for meaning especially as it relates to this theme of vocation. It helps people answer any questions they have about faith, and their lives.
By serving the community through C.K., Augsem-F has learned valuable lessons about the distribution of resources throughout history, how religion plays a role in the helping of others, and how through hard work and kindness, we will be able to find our vocation. This website is intended to show you what we've learned, and how valuable this experience was to all of us.

Click the following links to see some pictures of us on the job!

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