The Carter Family Website
Chris, Heather, Benjamin, and William
This branch of the Carter family sprouted when it was established September 22, 2001. It was on that date that Chris and Heather were married for time and all eternity in the Atlanta, Georgia Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  The family grew as Benjamin Michael Carter was born on June 7, 2004.  Ben is excited that on October 30, 2006 his little brother William Christopher is going to join the family.  We invite our friends and family to come here for updates on the family and what is next in our lives.  Please see our bios for individual information on each family member.
Chris' Page     Heather's Page     Ben's Page     Will's Page
The Carters are on the move!  We are moving to Dallas from Cartersville to be closer to family after Will is born. Between Chris being in school, a busy two year-old, Will's birth happening soon, and everything else we are so busy. 

Despite that, feel free to post a message in our guest book or drop us an email or two and we will do our best to respond.
Daddy Teaches Ben About the Atlanta Temple!
The Carter Family Blog
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