Thank you for stopping by my web site. This page will be under constant revision, so please drop by often to see what changes have been incorporated on my site. My little corner of the world (Mountain View, CA, somewhere between San Jose and San Francisco, CA) consists of many fun activities. I hope this site is to your liking, and meets or exceeds any expectations you might have! I cheerfully provide the following services:

Cisco Ochoa is a systems administrator. View the online resume here.

In addition, Cisco is a musician and is prepared to perform at your function either with a group, or as a solo artist.

Technical Links

Unix Man Pages
If you're messing around with anything UNIX, this is one of many pages that have it all! From tables, to Maintenance commands, to plain old user commands, you can find it all here.

Everythin' Ya Always Wanted To Know About Cables As the link says, this link has it all! Cables, cables and more cables! This page has pin outs, cross over, fibers, testers,

Music and Art Links

(here I thought music IS art)

This is a cool little link that is for all you guitarist folks out there who need the chords to that song you've been trying to figure out for so long. Chords may not be 100% correct, but it IS a good place to start!

I also like PJ's site. Easy to navigate, not as much stuff, but done well, nonetheless!
PJ's Guitar Chords and Lyrics

Odd, or Interesting Links

Surprises of all surprises: Cisco Ochoa is also a musician!
Yes, I play guitar, sing, even dabble a bit with keyboards, bass, harmonica, and penny whistle, that little flute like instrument indeginous to the Celtic countries! This link takes you to a page which has a pic of me, and links to bands I play with!

Willie, one of our techs where I work, was in our office, pulling his normal shift one night, when, upon getting ready to leave work, discovered he car had been hit by one of the Examiner workers. He left a note, and Willie seems to be handling things allright, but if you look here, you can see his car, after it got knocked around a bit.

Some tasteless, some crude, some not. Enter at your own risk, as these jokes have not really been previewed. They are funny, though....

Thanks for stopping by!
Cisco Ochoa
e-mail: drop us a line?

Copyright & Copy: 2005, Cisco Ochoa
Revised: this page created on 1/19/05, and last updated on August 7th, 2007!

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