Thie subhub is dedicated to Conspiracy X, a game a number of friends and I have designated "great setting, iffy system".
I'm loth to buy GURPS ConX, however, having little experience of GURPS, no money, and there being no copy in the FLGS. The upcoming Unisystem conversion promises to be fantastic, but I doubt it'll be out in time for the game I've been suckered into running. Accordingly, I've taken the insane step of converting it across to Unknown Armies, a game whose system I love almost as much as the setting.
Having decided to do all this work, I figured I might as well make it available to all you lovely folk out there. Only one of us needs to lose their mind over this, after all...
Those of you at Eden and Atlas - I'm doing my best to make sure that anyone who actually wants to use this still has to buy your products for the background and/or main system. What they get here is some extra rules for Unknown Armies that may be useful to some games, and an alternate ruleset for Conspiracy X.
NOTE: Throughout the text I have tended to refer to players, characters, and GMs using the male pronoun where a pronoun has been used. This is because I despise the gender-neutral pronoun and consider the male pronoun to function also as a general pronoun. If this offends you, you have every right to amend your copy should you save it.

Why Unknown Armies, for God's sake? What does this mean for the game?

What books will I need to use this? Which ConX supplements have you included?

UA-ConX: Character Generation Changes

Additions to UA rules: Research, Aerial Combat

Additions to UA rules: Basic ESP, Downtime

Additions to UA rules: Psychic Disciplines

Additions to UA rules: Forsaken Rites

Additions to UA rules: Incarnate Powers

Pulling Strings: Profession Hub

Armoury - Aegis Equipment not native to Unknown Armies

Armoury - Saurian Equipment

Bestiary - Aliens


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