






The Concept

Here is how the game will work.

The game will be entirely non-live, conducted on a ProBoards forum (the link to it will be put up soon). All challenges will last for 24 hours at least. Time will never be a tie-breaker.

The game starts with 12 people. Each round, there will be a challenge. The winner of this challenge will be declared "Center of the Circle", also referred to as the Center. The Center will hold the power for that round, and will also be the only one immune from elimination. People cannot win the Center back to back.

Once a center is declared, all other players must form Circles of Trust (CoT). This is a simply a list of fellow players besides the Center and yourself that you trust and want to see stay in the game. For the first couple of rounds, you'll be able to have a minimum of 1 person and a maximum of 7 on your list. However, as the game progresses, the maximum number of people you can put on your list will decrease.

Players will have 24 hours to post their Circles of Trusts. Once they've done so, I will look at the CoTs. The 3 people who are on the least number of lists will be up for elimination. In the case of a tie in the first 3 rounds, all involved in the tie will be up for elimination. After the first 3 rounds, however, a different tiebreaker will be announced.

Once the 3 people up for elimination are announced, the Center must eliminate 1 of them. They will have 24 hours to make their decision.

This 72 hour format will then repeat, with challenge, CoTs, and elimination. There will be twists along the way, however, and after 6 rounds the game will narrow down to the final 3. Then, a jury of eliminated players will ask questions, receive answers from the 3 finalists, and then cast final CoTs to determine a winner.

The Rules: 10 Commandments of the Game

1. The hosts will generally act as the deist Gods of the game, setting it up and then letting it all unfold. However, should a player object to something, the hosts may have to interfere to make a fair decision. All decisions the hosts make are final.

2. Players have the right to speak freely in this game on the forums, and may argue and fight and backstab and blackmail and curse and name-call and all that good stuff. But they may not personally attack other players on the forums. This means talking bad about a characteristic about another player (ie., race, gender, weight, sexuality, disability). This is because such attacks are totally unrelated to the game, and totally unnecessary. If somebody personally defames or attacks another player on the forums, the attacker will be given an official warning the first time and then expelled.

3. No death threats on the forum. No exceptions.

4. No quitting. Even if a player's ex-boyfriend is in the game. Even if somebody personally attacks a player for being Tibetan on AIM. Even if somebody a player despises is cast for the game. It will not be tolerated, and that player will be made to look like an idiot by the hosts. This is not to be unsensitive to the players' feelings, but the hosts believe players have to learn to deal with such things in a mature manner, and quitting is not a mature way to handle a situation. The only exceptions to this rule are death, sickness, or family sickness, but if a player is suspected of faking such a death, sickness, or family sickness, he or she will be ridiculed.

5. Players have every right to discuss things players say on AIM on the forums, including death threats and personal attacks. However, AIM is outside the host's domain for the game, so if somebody personally attacks a player on AIM, the hosts can't do anything about it. The reason for this is that messages can be faked on AIM, even with screencaps, while posts cannot be faked on a forum. Players are able to block other players if necessary, and if somebody truly is in fear of his or her life because of a death threat, then they should bring it up with local authorities instead of some random internet dorks hosting an ORG.

6. Each round, players will have to fill out a manditory confessional, no more than 10 questions in length. This shouldn't take too long. Each response to each question must be on topic, not go on tangents, and be at least 3 sentences long. If a player for some reason feels he or she can't answer a question, he or she is invited to use his or her 3 sentences to explain why he or she can't answer that question!

7. Players may not talk about the game to people not in the game, nor players who have been eliminated from the game. This will be enforced, with possible expulsion depending on how severe the communication was and how much of an affect it has on the game.

8. Every time a player fails to participate in a challenge without explanation, they will receive an extra -1 on the CoTs totaly. (for example, if Bambi misses a challenge but is on 2 people's CoTs, then she will be on a total of 1 CoT). Every time this happens in a row, the penalty is multiplied. (ie., next round Bambi misses the challenge again, her penalty is -2, then -4, then -8...). Same for not doing confessionals and not doing CoTs.

9. If the Center ever fails to eliminate anyone within the 24 hour period, they will lose their immunity and will be eliminated instead.

10. Should a player ever have to miss an event he or she needs to attend (a challenge, a confessional, an elimination, etc.) they must inform the host at least 48 hours BEFORE THEIR DEPARTURE, so that the host can talk to the player to find away to not have the departure disrupt the flow of the game. The hosts do advise, however, that if a possible applicant is going to be on vacation for all of December with no internet access, that he or she simply does not apply to the game.

The Issue of the Holidays

The hosts realize many players may be gone for some of the holiday season. The hosts promise to be reasonable in scheduling...since there are non-live challenges, most likely during Christmas and New Years, we will schedule a non-live challenge that should take a while to cover this time (say, 3 days instead of the usual 24 hours).

The Host's Promise

Just like the players must follow the rules, the hosts promise to follow them too. They will not rigg the game. Even if Devon's girlfriend Bambi is playing the game or Aaron's sister Delilah, he will not alter any twists to favor her. All twists and the game format will be planned out before a cast is finalized.

There will be a secret forum where the hosts shall have records of this to show players after the game was over that it wasn't rigged. Should we have to change the game format while the game is in progress for some reason (most likely resulting from players quitting or being expelled, which hopefully won't happen!), then we will post in our private forums saying so. We will, however, not edit any of the original posts once the game has started.

© Cat Spasms Productions. All text, pages, graphics, and concepts are property of CS Productions. To contact the host, send an email to [email protected].
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