Circle of Light Creations
...illuminating inspiration...
All content of this web site is Copyright protected - All Rights Reserved unless otherwise indicated.
Content and Design Copyright 2003-2007 by Circle of Light Creations, owner Barbara Callahan Quin.
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Sometimes funny ~ Sometimes serious ~
Usually soul touching ~ Always from the Heart.
Definitely Spirit-Inspired.
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Proclamation of Renewal and Manifestation to help you remember who you are and to re-commit to your Heart's Desire!!
God's Time Capsule will help you identify your goals for the New Year and start making them come true!
The websites, services, and products shown here contain original, collective, and contributed works. Whether you need spiritual encouragement, prayer support, just want something inspiring to read, or are serious about your spiritual development, there is sure to be something here to meet the need! Links included - to our best knowledge and belief - lead to like-minded sites and services.

So, look around! Browse at your leasure - let us know if you like what you see
or if you are looking for something more - we may have it, can get it, or will direct you where to find it.
And please be patient, most of these are works-in-progress in themselves! :)

Get more information about each site or service by following the link.
To contact us directly, please send an e-mail to
[email protected]. We welcome your comments, requests, and suggestions! We are here to serve your spiritual well-being needs!
                                           Now Available!

Barbara Callahan Quin writes from the very Heart of Spirit about spiritual and inspirational topics such as prayer, encouragement, unconditional love, and knowing one's Higher Power!

Now available from (or get 10% discount by ordering direct from Circle of Light Creations - contact us at [email protected] for details):

A Valentine for Carole - Carole Payne has led a life devoid of love, always standing outside, looking in at the love her heart yearned for. She watched others fall in love and follow their dreams, telling herself she was better off without loving relationships in her life. Then one night, Carole takes a journey to a place of magic - a place that will challenge her beliefs to the very core, but is it real or was it all a dream? Will it be enough to change her outlook on life and love forever? Will she be strong enough to face the truth about her own opinions and beliefs about love? Can she get past the hurt of the past and find her way to embrace love available to her now and in the future?

A White Soaring Bird - Grandmother teaches the village children about life through stories. One story is about LittleCrow WalkingEagle who longed to soar high in the sky, but she was afraid. The Great Spirit, disguised as True Heart, spoke to LittleCrow WalkingEagle in a dream. Did LittleCrow WalkingEagle learn to release her fear? Did she ever learn to fly?

My Eternal Northwest Spirit - this is an amazing Spirit-inspired poem describing the heart-connection to the Pacific Northwest - a place of indescribable beauty that caputres the soul and won't let go! Single-page, framed for hanging - $10 plus $3 s/h - contact for purchase details:  [email protected].

Two Rivers - written to describe the beautiful relationship two souls share using symbolism of the earth. Makes a unique gift for wedding, anniversary, or other special occasion shared by two people. Single-page, framed for hanging - $10 plus $3 s/h - contact for purchase details:  [email protected].
* Some articles by Barbara Quin you may find interesting can be found here: (search under author's name)
A Loving Grace - prayer support and encouragement.
Blessed are the Children blog - devoted to the blessings of children, healing and miracle stories, rewards of parenting, etc. (formerly known as "A Mom's Faith")
Blessings by Divine Design - use these universal divine principles to create the life you want!
Emprayerment - the concept of using prayer to empower your life! Products and support to  help you remember your Source! (COMING SOON!). Contact: [email protected].
Chapel of the Spirit Heart - coming soon! A very special place close to you - connect with Spirit!!!
Encourage Today! - Thought for the Day via e-mail.
Foregiving Grace - blog about gratitude.
Jessie's Friendship Dolls - handmade cloth dolls filled with love and hope for the future! Plus, Jessie Marie's Ornaments! Contact: [email protected].
Letters to Angels - group on MSN about writing letters to angels.
Look Upward, Angel! - website/book devoted to angels (COMING SOON)
Ripples of Good - website/book devoted to "passing it on" and random acts of kindness activities, events, and experiences (COMING SOON!).
Spirit Dancer Magazine- spiritual writing, encouragement, etc. (IN PROGRESS)
Transcendental Woman - website devoted to exceptional women who transcend stereotypes of any kind! Our first feature is available now! Come on over and meet Joyce O'Neal!
Spiritual Connections - we were inspired by these - other sites/links of interest (COMING SOON!)
Works in Progress - projects coming soon, by the Grace of Spirit!
* Let us help you! We can help you get published! Contact us for details! Send an e-mail with your questions, ideas, comments, to: [email protected].
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God's Time Capsule - Resolve 2007"
"The Stream of Well-Being flows through me."
adapted from Abraham, Ask and It Is Given
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