CVCC Circle K

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2002/2003: Hickory Kiwanis established Circle K at CVCC in October 2002 through the efforts of Mrs. Linda Baker, CVCC Faculty Advisor; Dr. Grimes Byerly Lt. Governor-Kiwanis; and Tom Shields-Hickory Kiwanis Club Liaison. Offers were elected from initial membership were President Kelly Adams; Vice President Alexis Anderson; Secretary Jenn Duncan, and Treasurer Shannon Lasley. The club was chartered in March 2003 with funds received from the Hickory Kiwanis Club ($550.00). Dues were collected inconsistently because the Treasurer was not available at meetings consistently or assertive when she did attend.

SERVICE PROJECTS: Projects completed with 50% of the membership participating were Angel Tree; Salvation Army Toy Shop; Adopt a Family; Habitat for Humanity; Road Cleanup (HKC); can food drive; Econo Force; Kids Vote; March of Dimes; Christmas Parade; Kiwanis Health Fair Booth; and Tutoring Projects at Local Elementary Schools.

EVALUATION: There was a strong desire to so service projects by members. Meetings were well attended. However, the fund raising event was not supported by membership.

2003/2004: Newly elected officers reorganized CVCC Circle K in August 2003: President Danielle Shacklady, Vice President Heather Pierce, Secretary Jenn Duncan/Belinda Hefner, and Treasurer Amanda Garcia. The CVCC Faculty Advisor was Mrs. Linda Baker and Hickory Kiwanis Club Liaison Tom Shields. Charles Stone replaced the treasurer in January 2004. Hickory Kiwanis Club provided $515.00 for dues (15 members). International increased the dues to $33.00. Co payment was not possible by the club in 2003/2004, as the treasurer did not collect dues initially then proceeded to drop from CVCC. Charles Stone was then appointed treasurer and with the support of Mrs. Baker, transferred monies from the Circle K checking account to the CVCC umbrella account for service clubs. President Shacklady in her tenure was most successful even thought attendance dwindled over the year. Possible reason was increased CVCC student enrollment, which resulted in class schedules which students members were unable to attend meetings at the times scheduled. The president tried multiple meeting times; however, it did not increase attendance at the meeting times. However, the club has most successful in service to the community with 8 members participating on a consistent basis. President Shacklady provided detailed reports to the Hickory Kiwanis at the mid and end of year points.

SERVICE PROJECTS: Projects completed were Angel Tree (1/3 more gifts); Salvation Army Toy Shop, Habitat for Humanity, March of Dimes, Econo Force Newsletter, can food drive for Women’s Shelter; Bed Linen Drive for Homeless Shelter, CVCC Blood Drive, tutoring at Newton Schools and Boys and Girls Club. Circle K also volunteered at the Hickory Kiwanis Golf Day and Bell ringing events. The club donated $100.00 to Children Advocacy Center for remodeling a living room within the Shuford House. This was a Hickory area Kiwanis Project.

FUNDRAISING EVENTS: Raffle for dinner for two was held for the Longview School playground. The event raised $100.00.

EVALUATION: President Shacklady, performed excellent as leader; which resulted in strong club desire to pursue service projects, a positive attribute for a Kiwanis Club Retaining members and having consistent attendance at meetings was a major problem. Various innovative ideas for meeting times were promoted. Six active members in May form CVCC. Danielle Shacklady was recognized for academic excellence highest academic excellence by CVCC. She was also named the First Team All USA. Academic Team and was selected as a New Century Scholar for North Carolina.


INCOMING OFFICERS: Incoming officers were President Charles Stone, Vice President Rhonda Niece, and Secretary/Treasurer Elizabeth Flow. The CVCC Faculty Advisors for this year were Linda Baker and Margaret Sorrell (Hickory Kiwanis). Liaison for the Hickory Kiwanis Club was incoming Hickory Kiwanis President Tom Shields.

BUDGET REQUEST: $600.00 (dues are approximately $33.00 per member). The amount is based upon a membership of 20 members (our goal is to increase the total to 20 members).

USE OF FUNDS: International dues 60% (based on 20 members) and District Convention 40%

TIMETABLE FOR FUNDS NEEDS: Dues are to be paid in November and fees for the convention in February.

SELF SUPPORT: Dues of $25.00 were collected at the beginning of each semester with $15.00 to be applied to International/District dues and portion to the district convention. Also, dues were used for recruitment socials at the beginning of each semester. Funds can also be raised by working on projects promotion by CVCC Student Government.

Tutoring at Salvation Army Boys and Girls Club
Tutoring at Sweetwater Elementary School
Angel Trees Placed in tow buildings
Habitat for Humanity
Can food drives for CCM and the Women’s Shelter
Towel/Bed linen drive for Homeless Shelter
Assist the Hickory Kiwanis in fundraising events: Gulf Day, Peanut, Day, or Bell Ringing
Highway cleanup with Hickory Kiwanis
CVCC blood drive

FUNDRAISING EVENT: Similar events to what was held in 2004: Raffle with dinner for 2 door prizes format was used. Charity was identified later by the membership.

SERVICE HOURS 2003/2004: 800 + hours

GOALS FOR 2004/2005:
Goals for 2004/2005 were 20 active members, improved attendance through multiple meetings chaired by either the President or Vice President. Service projects were in place and ready to go for members at the beginning of the semester.

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