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In Need of You - Accompaniment

In Need Of You - An Account of a Young Girl's Need to Hold Onto Innocence 

When I wrote this poem, I was having a rough day. I felt like I had been pushed into the whole college thing and on top of that class didn�t go so well. Life, like it has a tendency to do, was moving too fast for me and I was having trouble keeping up. The campus was full of people that were older than me and, whether I knew them or not, it didn�t help that I look 3 years younger than I am. In their faces I saw, �Welcome to college�where the next four hellish years of your life will be spent. Say goodbye to free time! Say good bye to childhood.� Needless to say, being the worrywart that I am, I was a little scared. This means no more summer vacation, no more I�ll do it an hour before class starts, no more I�ll Sparknote it. I have the responsibilities of an adult. How did this happen? WHEN did this happen?! I�m still a minor! The responsibilities of an adult?! I�m not ready for this. I don�t want to end up like the �shackled prisoners,� no college education and working two jobs to support myself and possibly two plus kids, but reading chapters 1 � 5, writing two four page essays, and analyzing something or other to help better understand an old piece of art that doesn�t even deserve to be hanging on the wall in my basement, doesn�t exactly sit well with me either. I�m not lazy; I don�t want to let the days of old pass away so quickly. Luckily for me, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The one who has kept me sane through this ordeal, the one I look forward to seeing after this bomb has been dropped on me, my �one.� Although not necessarily a true love just yet, he provided me with enough hope and joy, even in his absence, to get me through the day. Pencils down, class starts in five minutes, I have to go get my books. Ah life! Here you are again.


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