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Circe Fascination

 I confess�I sort of have a�thing for Circe. I don�t know what it is, but something about her �warm and caring� personality and her love for pigs just makes me want to be buddy-buddy with her, you know? No, eh, probably because you�re sane. Have I thought about naming my first born girl after her�sure I�ve thought about it, am I still thinking about it? Uh, he he�.next subject!

  So, what exactly is my fascination with her, well, let�s start from the top. When I was younger than I am now, the Wishbone: The Odyssey game first inspired me to understand Circe. I decided that in all my �excellent brilliance� and free time that I was going to create a book based on all of the mythologies that I oh, so loved. Needless to say that barely got off the ground, but the short amount of research I did spurred me to delve deeper into the enigma that is Circe.
  She is quite fascinating actually, most people when they hear of her name, they thing oh! The witch who loves turning people into pigs! While this is true, most people fail to realize that she, according to mythological texts, was much more than that. Did you know that she was the daughter of the Sun God? Mmmhm and she had a niece who she was particularly interested in caring for? Yep, and she loves the feel of the ocean. As far as Pi�a Colada�s, the taste of champagne, and making love at midnight go �eh, refer to the texts of Odysseus and their sons.
  Anyhoo, I first decided to use the soubriquet Circe, after the tragic loss of my character Sailor Minerva. I strive to be original�and to stay that way. My two Senshi are on that path as well, and I intend to keep it that way. Yes, it *does* refer to Sailormoon, what doesn�t? Well Sminerva, as I was known and still am in some parts of town (intcomm), became too unoriginal as there were too many Sailor Minerva�s out, so I had to dump that and go with something that was original and nobody would think of. Now I am not known as simply Circe, Circe Yokoshima is my main screename because of its meaning; Circe literally means �Falcon� and Yokoshima translates to �Evil�. I chose Yokoshima because it represented the popular opinion of her at the time; I know lame, you were expecting some deeper meaning than that. Hey, at least I didn�t say �because it sounded cool��even though it does IMO. ^^�
  As the years passed, the name just kind of stuck, and I doubt that I�ll be changing it any time soon�if e countless ever. But, Circe still is a part of my artistic life. I use pictures and representations of her for my characters. Of course, I tweak them a bit, but they all turn out to be more original than one would think. So I owe 5 years give or take of being Circe to my love of mythology and Wishbone: The Odyssey. At least you know why.

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